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Show NOTICE OF SI'KCrAL MEE'I ING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE OGDEN PACKING & J'llO-V1SION J'llO-V1SION CO. You are hereby notified that In accordance ac-cordance with resolutions passed at the special meeting of tho Board of Directors of tills Company, he.d oa ho JL'th day of March. 1920, at four o'clock p. m.. a special meeting of the stockholders of the Company will be held on Thursday, tho 3th day of April, 1920, at eloven o'ciock a. m., at tho office of tho Company at Its packing establishment on A..jt ilth Strecl, In the City of Oguci.. County of AA'eber and Stato of Utah, for the following purposes; First: To vote upon the recommendations recom-mendations made by the Boaid of J" I i rectors at the special meeting abevo noted, to amend tho Articles of iticor--orallon of this Company in the following fol-lowing particulars: (a) By Increasing the authorUed capital stock of the Company from Two Million ($2,000,000.C0) Dollars to Three Million, ?ou Hundred and Twenty-five m Thousand Thou-sand ($3,25, 000.00) Dollars, by which Increase it Is proposed to create One Million 151, 000, 000. 00 J Dollars of "A" preferred stock and Four Hundred and Twenty- flvo Thnliwinrt fS.l7n.flnm Dnllnr of "B" preferred stock, in audition audi-tion to the present issue of Two Million (52,000.000.00) Dollars of common stock, with tho righr on the part of the holders of ths '"A" preferred stock to exchange the same for common stock j.t par, and In tho event of the affirmative af-firmative action upon the question ques-tion of increase to further consider con-sider and dotermino upon the attributes at-tributes and chnracterlstles of the Increased amount of capital st..ek and the existing capital stock and the disposition to be made thereof, there-of, and special or relative righU lo bo granted present common and proposed prcferredTchares ui stock. Second:' To adopt resolutions jetting jet-ting forth tho amendments recommended recom-mended for adoption by the Board of Directors and to take such fuither necessary steps to, legally complete and effect such amendments. Third: To transact any and all other business necessary to effect uato the object of the .meeting. The stock transfer and register books of the Company will bo closed at ten o'clock a. m. on the 22nd Jay of March. 1 920. and will be otef.ed at ten o'clock a. m. on tho 9th day of April. 1920. By order of the Board of Dimcioos. EVA C. ERB. SJcretxiry Ogden Pa nit lng Provl&Ion Co. Date of first publication: March i, 1920. 1 Dftte of las'- publication; April 7, 1920. |