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Show I I I Nebraskan Held For j I Scott Bluff Sheriff I 'rljLJ X lidwprd Page was arrested at the 1 1 "f Healy hotel yesterday upon receipt of It a lologrnm from F. II. Kooning, sher- J 1 If Iff of Scott Bluff, Neb. He is being 1 7 I held at the city Jail pending an inves Uj' tigatlon. ji'i The telegram 'nave no information , ' i J . as to the charge against Page but said j I that the sheriff was tho possessor of a j 1 i warrant. S , J Pago was, taken into custody yester- j day and separated from his wife and I . . s child, who had accompanied -im from I ( 1 Nebraska. He claims that he sold a ' I ' phonograph which ho hnd not complci 1 I lo payments on. Page Is a mechanic j j i by trado and said he came to Ogden !rf for employment. F I Ho acquiesced to returning without I requisition papers. I |