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Show I RIOTS FEARED IN STRIKE OF SWITCHMEN I !f. MICH PRIMARY I CLOSELY WATCHED J . IN POLITICAL CIRCLE K Lowden, Wood and Johnson B- Deeply Interested in Vote of Influential State I ! DETROIT ACTING ON m j BIG BOND ISSUE R Eugene V. Debs Socialist Can- 1 didate Palmer Only Demo- I i crat to Stump State g I DETROIT. .MUh.. April n. Kar!y Pit voting In the Michigan pi'inia r today f'l "was ovldonllv affected by the Easier km storm, the turnout of voters Kcncral- I I ly bolng lighter than expected. ; ft j While Indications of clearing ' I woalher In some Industrial centers , Knvo promise of brlkor votlnp this f aftornoon, other polnta reported snow ! flurries still prevailing with lndlca- 1 lions that voting would bo ninterlal- ' ly curtailed Some country highways 1 wore piled with snow and a very light J vote wau anticipated In those xectlons. 1 I Tho Inclement weather also oper- I I nlcd to curtail the woman vote. 1 I j llllO 130IUl I5SUC I h In Detroit where a 515.000.000 111 bonding proposition for a munlcipal- II ly ownod traction system ovcrshad- 1 owed-tho presidential primary voting I f started very light' but with warming I woathor a better turnout was ex- pected during the afternoon. pressed by tho headquarters of Governor Gov-ernor Frank O. L.owden, Major General Gen-eral Leonard Wood, and Senator Ulram Johnson, all of whom made oxlonslve tours. All other candidates wero Gonoral Pershing, Senator Miles Polndoxtcr and William G. Simpson of Detroit. Ilorbort Hoovor's name appcarod on both tho Republican and Democratic tickets. only Democrat to 6ainpalgn throughout through-out ,the state, the others nanVed on that ticket being William G. McAdoo. "William J. Bryaji and Governor Edwards Ed-wards of NcwJorscy. Eugono V. Dobs was the Socialist candidate. The. polls opened at 7 a. m. and were close in tho rural precincts at 5 and' In tho city at S p. m. A.VNH MAIlTrX TO It UN WASHINGTON, April 5. Anno Martin, defeated two years ago for tho United States senate In Nevada, announced from her headquarters hero today that she would make tho race again this year for tho republican repub-lican nomination. Miss Martin said she would accept tho' nomination If j offered on her platform which In- m , V cludod opposition to tho poaco treaty ' and the league of nations. I- MI33 Martin declared that under no I j circumstances would she make a lone r fight In tho primary against a hi ll I partisan fusion candidate and If so ! opposed would run as an "lndcpcnd- 1 ! cnt" HEADQUARTERS ESTABLISHED E CHICAGO, April Wostorn wom- E en's headquarters for the A. Mitchell t Palmer presidential campaign were H established In Chicago today by Mrs. W 5 Jlalsoy W. Wilson, national chairman ffi. jj for women, and Mlns Lucy Collins ill of IinncnPlls- iIrs- T- T- Cottman jjj' of St. Louis will bo In charge. |