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Show FARM BUREAU OFFICIALS MEET - WITH AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. ON DETAILS OF NEW CONTRACT Committeemen representing tho sugar beet division of the Weber county farm bureau met today with officials of tho Amalgamated Sugar company In tho Eccles building to decide on details of the phrasing in the contracts to be used this year. The growers have promised to assist in signing- up acreage for the coming com-ing season and have offered all cooperation co-operation possible- realizing that the time for planting is near. A force of agents will also be put In tho field by the company. Sugar company officers anticipate contracting for nearly 10,000 acrc3 In the Ogden territory this year. It Is hoped to have tho entire acreage secured within two weeks. Aa agreed upon at a meeting held late Saturday afternoon, the schedule sched-ule adopted calls for the operation of the Utah-Idaho contract, providing jtho average test of all the beets harvested har-vested In this district is 14 1-2 per cent which I3 a guarantee of $12 per ton for beets based on 11 cents, with $1 Increase per ton for each 1 per cent advance in sugar. In case the 14 1-2 per cent averago Is not reached the ratio will not operate until the price of sugar reached 12 cents, tho previous offer made by this company. Tho price of pulp remains as previously previ-ously offered, at $1.25 per ton. |