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Show fl "JAZZ TUNES" fi PLflYEO BY I WIRELESS mmt! 'j Army Man Invents Device to i'mm Senc Music Through Air; - , ( Test Is Declared. , H Successful :KJ (International News Srvlee) HFi Jf Atlanta, Giu, April 6. :y cutis gK sanding music by wireless has besii LW p dovlssd by Sergeant Thomas Drass of ft tho Georgia Tch signal unit, rose.v M ', officers training corps. A demon- Hlmtlon to tho Atlanta Radio cluo H provod. the sue ass of li 1m invention. SK whloh Is epoch-making In wireless ..mu circled. , Sargennt Bras gave n concert by JU wlreles tolophone. probably tho fi.--tj 'f t , in ths history of tluu ilvvlcu. H was ft Hi j to the Juaiy strains of "Durdnnblla" i IK'' ll,t 111 Inwntion wo first publicly f twk I ' toetod. IWti Th InvJntlon jiccessliates tho 11-J (Kb 1 lonur using n hsnd sot to hear, outt 'R j Sergeant Urass is seeking to ici rcct H; an arrangement of sounding b.u Ua' B-'l ivhlch uill onable nn audience assu.- HK'j bUd at a designated place to onjoy i BErf music from a distance without qulp- HTlj plus themselves with lndldual tr:- H i ping. Bf li Tht demonstration was started at ' 1 7:10 o'clock, when nil radio station j j in Atlanta were called and toid to m j listen. As soon as complete cum- W i mtinication had been established. b.i-, B j genut Brass sont "Durdancun." j IW J r (lTfo.tlj:h the instrument without . R warning to the listeners. All wero f wis asked to report back what they heaid. ' ttjgf with the result that tho success of the fll? Invention was assured. mm ' Sergoant Brass lolls how he con- WfM cslvod the Idea of a radio concert in fl this manner: 9k; j A. station Jn Alabama (hat is on j 1 Bf J was having considerable trouble m Wt jg hearing a conversation on the vi- tN i losti telephone some time ago. Aftr 9 I having the message repe.itod several 'H 1 times, tho Alabama operated Instruct- Kl ' ed to "Hing it." Sergeant Urass. who fl. H I has spent twenty-five years In the "m fl j army, and whoso singing days arc but I fl imagos of the past, declined to vocr.i- JllP'j ',t tnc mnnnor suggested, but fliBtt promised to get a phonograph tor jfl j ' "Vou know," lie iald, "the ittea Hlruck mo that II might actually be fll' cloVo. ' I tried it out with an ordinary ; fll ' transmitter, but It wouldn't work. iut Hf onogh of the sound could be conccu-j H tinted on the dlaphram of the trana- H f mlttcr. Then I got to work and fixott llii '-- What Sergeant Biass . actually lw "fixed" was a very sensitive dlapnmm j I'j'. for a two-step amplifier receiving' act. I hb This was done only after several j Mb weeks of experimenting and haul: pflfB work on the part of tho entire signal ; JHfl unit. Tho work vas kept secret until ll the Initial trybut was given. |