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Show Dates Announced for Western Track Trials SAN FRANCISm. April 5. Tentative Ten-tative dates for the Paclfl" coast inain, preliminary iur wiu iiiuii I'iiiu- lnatlon tests for the American Olym-j pic games team to bo held In eastern cities early this summer, have boon announc-ed by Snm Goodman of San Francisco, vice president of the A. A. 1 1., on his recent return here from Antwerp and New York, j Goodman ?ald that primary tryouta ( for track men would be held in va-1 va-1 rlous localities and the best would bo; sent to Pasadena Juno 20 for the, i final Pacific coast tryouts. The successful suc-cessful men at Pasadena are then to go east to compcto for places on the team to erprcHent the United States. Most of the American athletes going go-ing to Belgium for the games will al from Now York Juno 2-1. Swimming trials will be held at Honolulu and San Francisco July 3 and !. Portland, Goodman said, has been awarded the boxing and wrestling I trials. Olympic games committees aro to be formed at Los Angeles, Portland, ore.. Seattle, Wash., and San Francisco. |