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Show ATHLETIC STARS TO I SHOWO FF TO OEDEfi! I ; mi ohm Ogden sport followers will have a cHance lo see Tour of America's great-est great-est track and field stars in action Saturday, April 21, at Monroe park, when the tour representatives of the 1 Ogden Athletic association, Clinion Larson, Creed Raymond, Alma Rich-ards Rich-ards and Robert Martin compete 1 against the University of Utah track- stcrs, Weber Normal academy and Og- Hl den high school stars. The meet will give Ogden Ites a chance to watch four oi the best men in the world perform ."gainst Tommy Filzpatrick's crack T "U" team as well as mo two local nzh school aggregations, HL ;The four stnrs are known in every npok and corner of the United SjUstcs, H having competed against the best in V tlic world during Uieir careers. H' Some High Jump. !Alma Richards is perhaps the best known of the four men. Richards Hr startled the world in 1912 at Stock- holm when he won the high jump fitter aviating over the bar at C feet I iijchcs. He wore the colors of the B. 1 Y U. in that contest and later com- pclcd for Cornell University where lie look many honors. While competing lor the Illinois A. C. in 1915 he won 'lie all-around American title from a f:(st field. 'At Paris last .luue he was high I nfcint man in the inler-allled games ind at the service men's ganrs ai sjilt Lake defeated Clinton Larson in ' I !je high Jump with a leap of 6 feel 3 B' Record Still Stands. K, jLarson, like Richards, is a high Hij jumper and is considered the worlds irroatcsL. He started his career in Hi 1311 at Salf lkc when he won the Iriterscholastic high jump In tho st;to ; meet with a anark of 6 reet 2 inches. t His record still stands. In the Penn games at Philadelphia in 11)17 he dear-; dear-; od the bar at G feet 5 inches, thus sn 1 Lung a new American inicrccllcgia'e 9cord. . The same year he won the national A. A. U. title. In numerous meets throughout the United States I Larson lias shown a world of class I' and at the inter-allicd games won iro high jump with ease. Me is expected i to be one of (he stars of the American tam at Antwerp. Hl I Creed Ilaymoud has been running since 1910. llaymond is a polished sprinter and one of (he world's great-est. great-est. lie holds the interschoinstic rec-ord rec-ord for the 100 and 220 yadr dashes ; in Utah anil is a joint holder of the world's 220 yard record, having inadf aj mark of 21 and 1-5 seconds in the furlong. Haymond captained the Um-H Um-H versity of Pennsylvania track team B last year and was the 'American col H , lege champion in both tho 100- and 220 yard events. Ho was nll-Ame.i-B ' can 220 yard man in 1918 also. At H Denver in 1915 he covered the last H 1 quarter in a mile relay 'in 49 seconds H ffot- Lawson "Robertson, noted ill h- IH, 14tic director at tho University of. B Pennsylvania has selected Haymond I as one of the American sprinters to ' I make the trip overseas. I Western Champion. I ;Bob Martin, the fourth member of the Ogden aggregation, is one of iho I greatest distance runners that ever I donned togs in the west. He has yet I L to bo defeated and holds victories : I 1 over some of the greatest stars in I J America. Martin is western eham-R eham-R I pion and unless the dope sheet fails I I 1 he will make the American team with I ease. 1 "U" Stars Coming. m The four "super-athletes" are now In training and expect to give Ogrieu fans a treat when the meet Is staged. Coach Tommy FItzpalrick of the Uni II versity of Utah expects to bring """"i twenty-five stars to the local meet, including Sayman Kerr, star middle distance runner, state interscholastic champion in 1919, and rated as one of Utah's greatest finds. Coach Clarence Douglas and Coach Malcolm Watson o the Ogden high and Weber Normal college bolh expect lo have a number of veterans" in harness. har-ness. With the staging of the meef. the bugs will also have an opportunity of watching the old timers perform as i a number of former Tiger stars have ! signified their intention of entering I the meet i nn |