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Show 1 WHO'S M51ETS" I NEW YORK, April 5. Resumption of trading in the stock market today after tho Easter recess was attended by an irregular undertone, due in pait to latest foreign developments. This was not reflected in foroign exchange, however, the London rate continuing to strengthen. Oils, shippings and mo- tors featured the backward issues, los-' los-' lng one to almost two points. The stronger stocks were represented by equipments and specialties, notably food, tobaccos, rubbers and textile shares, also utilities. Shorts availed themselves of the unsettled un-settled foreign situation to exert pressure pres-sure in various directions before the end of the first hour. Prices of oils, motors and steels reacted one to six points with concurrent heaviness in equipments and Vails. Advances In specialties were cancelled and the en tire list fell back. The reversal was t soon halted, however, and a few leaders lead-ers rallying substantially oh the7 further fur-ther improvement of exchange. Easy money was another helpful factor, call loans opening at seven per cent. Additional rallies during the mid-session mid-session were based mainly on the fui- 4 ther relaxation of call money to si per cent. Crucible Steel. General Mo- tors, motor subsidiaries and equip-I equip-I ments weie prominent at extreme gains of two to four points and food shares extended their early advances. N. Y. BUTTER AND EGGS. NEW YORK. April 5. Butter firm; receipts 2051; creamery higher than extras GSrGSc; extras 02 score, 07 , (t?67c; firsts isS to 1)1 score, G3'u 66ltc; pack;ng stock, cunent make I number two 37c. ' Eggs steady; receipts 25. CDS; fresh gathered exira firsts. H&'O bc, firsts 4244c. I , Cheese irregular; receipts 2:J9; I state whole mitk Hal?, hold specials I 30 31c; ditto average 2SJi)c; slaic whole milk twins held specials -S i , 'vide; average run 22Sc. 5 Live poultry firm; eiiickcn? ZS(-v 43c; fowls 47c; old roosters' 26c; tur- keys 5iiJ 60c. j Dressed -steady; broilers, f.rozon, 39. If faolc; stag's fresh 2CJ2c; Iro.cn 35 vi.ioc; fowls fresh oUiH")u; -lrozcn 30 1 1 i il)c; old roustors iresrr 2(&'2S:; !" frozen 270"2Sc; turkeys ?lVf5iyse. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. ' I I OMAHA. Neb,. Anm f. Moss lie- i ceipts 13,000; market steady to wc.ik; bulk1 $13.50 15.00; heavy fl3.0l"y 11.75; medium $i'!.5lli'13.257 light j SH.00a5.50; pigs ?1j.1GLL !0-I !0-I Cattje Receipts 12. UU0; market gen-: orally steady; choice heavy sheers $13 2514.25; medium $Yi..2i'n 13. J5; common $9.51 IL.1'5; ii.uce lijrht $11. 75013. 5; common .Guft.'1 11.75; butcner hciicrs ST-Outy I2.t"j; ; coks $6.501'll-.'3; caiuicrs $LoO'd'!.-, $LoO'd'!.-, 50; calves ?lt . i5t;j.li3. J5; fecara $S.-; I 5012.00; stackers ? .UUitfll .25. j ; ' 2hes.p Receipts 16.uiy; lamb steady to easier; oiheis slJ.suiy; lumb.s ?18.25T20.25: cu.'ls Jj-l.VoOIM'f .6u; : ; snriugs $17.00'J3.0T1: yearling wcUi-ers wcUi-ers ?15. 50518. 00; choice uv.es ?13.t5 U. 50; culls $5. 006 11.00. M OMAHA GRAIN MARKET. I u OMAHA, Neb.. April 5. Wheat No. H j 2 hard $2.58$f-2.;6; No. 3 hard $2.55 l 2.51; No. 4 spring ?2.C2; No. 5 spring 11 $2.-59; No. 1 mixed ?2.5'; No. 3 mi.ed I $2.55. Corn No. 2 white ?1.C6; No. 3 white 1.621.63; No. 4 yellow $1.GS; No. 3 1 yellow $1 . 6501.67; No. 2 mixed $1.63; No. 3 mixed $1.61-1.02. ' 1 Oats No. 2 while SS'JiDOc; No. 3 ( white 979Sc. I KANSAS CITY BUTTER AND EGGSi I KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 5. -But- I A ter: Creamery unchanged;- .packing I 'c? higher, 36Vc, . I j Eggs current receipts 5c higher per U j case, $12.15; firsts unchanged. " K Poultry unchanged. 1 MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR AND GRAIN. Minneapolis, 'Minn.,. April 5. P'loiir unchanged. ' Bran $49.00. j Wheat cash: No. 1 northern $2.90 '3.05. I Corn No. 3 yellow $1 .65U67. I ' Oats' No. 3 while 93?a'??95"c. JBarley $1. 31(g) 1.59. .Flax $i.81l.S3. LIBERTY BONDS. ' tt NEW YORK, April 5. Final prices' today were: , ZVzS 96.64; first Is 91.20; second' 4s S9.66; first 4s 91.28; second 4s; 89.70: third -P4s 92.96; fourth -U',si 89,90; Victory 3-;is 97.91; Viclorv I ! liS 97-.S6. " j i COTTON, i NEW YORK, April 5. Spot cotton 1 steady; middling 42.00c. 1 Cotton futures clotsed steady; May 40.25c; July 37.70c; October 34 .73c; December 34.04c; January 33.45c. BERRY CROP. HiT. NEW ORLEANS, La., April. 5. Tho I Louisiana. slrawberryYcrop is seriously k threatened . by the predicted frost to night, according to the local weather forecaster. ; oo BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. April 5. Butter higher;' ) creamery -lOSS'fcc. 1 Eggs unsettled: receipts 18,970 rases; firsts -nzifyw-c; ordinarj firsts ST'G'SSc; at mark, cases included, includ-ed, -ll41Mrc. , i Poultry alive higher; springs 38c; 1 fowls f2c. |