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Show fi Gill AS ILL , AS WHEN 01 EASTER Latest Styles in Business Suits Cost $100 With Full Dress i Running at $200 ! NHW YORK, April 5. Cold, driz-'zling driz-'zling rain and skies that threatened snow failed lo prevent New York's annual Easter par.adc In Fifth avc-.nue. avc-.nue. Gorgeous bonnets and wonderful ! creations, examples of t lie Fitnoh and iAmericnn modiste's art. were seen j bravely defying the onslaughts of '.Ik? elements. The ranks of iho parade weie a bit thin, but the dauntless ones, j In outfits more suited for Palm Beach i than Fifth avenue In the early and un-:??rtain un-:??rtain days of. spring, stepped forth to admire and be admired, i Probably never before has mere man loomed so large aa a contender for sartorial honors. Not only were the , young m.en resplendent, they woro "gaudy." According lo quotations by (Xov York clolhlers, the very Iatost 'styles in "business" suits come lo $1.00 while evening clothes cost at least ! The avenue saw suits of many colors col-ors and cuts. There were fancy lopped lop-ped shoefe, loo, that would mnke a limber lim-ber pole jealous. Trousers were tight, baggy and just loose, while the raid-bow-hued shirts Intensified the color scheme. The women, f(?r tile most part, wore , heavy fur neckpieces with their spring suits and almost nil carried gaily col-'orcd col-'orcd parasols. Hundreds motored to church instead of risking costly silks and satins in ihe rain. They presented present-ed a flash of color amid the downpour down-pour as they hurried Troiii their ve hides to the houses or worship. Probably the greatest throng in the ihisiory of the churches of the city 'crowded into the edifices for the special spe-cial Easier pervices. S(. Patrick's, the Cathedral ol St. John, the Divine, and j jOld Trinity were crowded to capacity. |