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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Stale Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City. Ltah. March 3. 1020. Notico Is hereby given that Ezra Jt. Hn( ey. of AVest Weber, Utah, has made application in- accordance with the requirements re-quirements of the Compiled Laws of l'lah. 1917. as amended by the Session Lawa of Utah. 1319. to approprintc three and flvc-nlnlhs (3 6-9) of a second-foot of water from Grcenwell Slough, in AVcbor County. Said water will be diverted by means of a pumping- plant at a point 200 ft, west of tho E, V coiner of Section Sec-tion 16. Township G North. Range 2 AVesi Salt Lake Base and Meridian. The walcr will be conveyed 200 ft. In a ditch and there used from May 1 lo October 1 of each year to Irrigate SO acres of Innd embraced em-braced in tho W. ,i Sec. 15. and Lots 10 and 11 in Sec. lfi. township and range aforesaid. This application la designated hi the Slate Engineer's office ajs No. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of 52.50. and filed In ibis ofrice wlllWri thirty (30) das after aft-er the completion of the publication of this notice. - G. F. McGONAGLE. State Engineer. Date of first publication March 8. 1920 Date of Inst publication April 5. 1020. |