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Show GAS EQUALLING 26,000 . TONS OF COAL WAS TEXAS' DAILY LOSS Austin. Tex., April 5. The waste of natural gas in Texas, which at ojio t'lniv amounted to 300.000 cubic feci, or the fuel equivalent of 20000 tons of coal per day, has boon reduced un-j III there b no considerable waste, ac- j cording lo a statement from ih oil and gas division of the Texas railioad commission. Tho statement said :n part: "The railroad commission gives . credit for this happy condition largji.v to the operators, who have show;i such a splendid spirit of co-opcrallon. especially so when there Is so little market for gas as at present, anu where. In many cases, if the wells wore allowed to blow, -ihuy might come In as good oil producers. " |