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Show BIG FlGHT ON OVER 111 SUFFRAGE Orders to Make Louisaina the I 'Thirty-Sixth State" Sent to Leaders from Headquarters NKW ORLEANS, April 5. A b5 fight ovrr wuffraice I under way In loulslans In view of the possibility thai the sUte legislature may vote next on the Question of the ratification. ratifica-tion. Orders to help make Louisiana "the thirty-sixth stalo" went from uf-.frago uf-.frago headquarters today to Icadors working to round 'up supporters for the amendment which will bo considered consid-ered by the legislature at Its session beginning May 10. I A peculiar situation, however, has developed In connection with the fight In the announcement that suffragists suf-fragists themselves wore divldod. Mis Kate Gordon and Miss Jean Gordon, widely known becauso of their long fight for suffrage, have conducted campaigns In Louisiana against the fodoraf proposal, holding that It violates vio-lates states' rlRhts. It Is their contention con-tention that each state should decide de-cide tho Issue for itself. Leaders In the fight for ratification, ratifica-tion, however, are highly elated over tho fact that Governor-elect John M. Parker, who will take offlve six dnys before the legislature convenes, long has championed the suffrage cause. Holdover members of the senate are reported to be about evenly divided di-vided on the ratification question, with seventy-five new members holding hold-ing the bn lance of power. . n n |