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Show LOGlflOTMlT FBI IMERIGM fUH State Wide Organizations Pass Resolutions Favoring Associated Industries A wire has been forwarded to the offices of the Utah Associated Industries Indus-tries from the Rotary club of Logan, representing nearly all lines of bftsi-aiiss bftsi-aiiss in the city, relative to the American Amer-ican plan. The message sent indicates the determination ou tho part of the business men there to put into execution execu-tion the Amcricau plan and to lend their support to the statewide movement. move-ment. The wire follows: "The Rotary club of Logan, composed com-posed of many of the leading business men of this community, at Its regular weekly luncheon, unanimously adopted resolutions declaring for its adherence to and their approval of the American plan of employment To us It is un-American un-American and unconstitutional to deprive de-prive any a orkman of his right to earn his living and support his family because be-cause he may or may not be affiliated with any labor organization. "Furthermore, we extend our heartiest heart-iest support to any movement calcu-lated calcu-lated to brintr about the American plan In the industrial and building activities activi-ties of the state. The result will be an increase in our output, greater efficiency effi-ciency by our workmen, and will also remove the costly and annoying domination domi-nation which the close shop imposes upon employers. "Furthermore, the American plan deprives no workman of his rights and privileges In his relations with his employer. "We respectfully urge that the Utah Associated Industries give this matter the prompt attention which, in our belief, be-lief, it merits. "LOGAN ROTARY CLUB." Three statewide organizations have pledged their support Individually and collectively to the inauguration and the execution of the American plan in the industries of Utah. They are the Utah-Idaho "Retail Coal Dealers' association, asso-ciation, the Utah Laundrymen's association asso-ciation and tho Salt Lako lumbermen's lumber-men's club. At tholr annual conventions conven-tions held last Friday and Saturday, they adopted resdlutions which set forth their altitude on this industrial topic. These resolutions have been forwarded for-warded to the ofuces of tho Utah As-accredited As-accredited representatives of these organizations or-ganizations they will operate with other lines of business in mapping out the program and developing the details de-tails of the American plan of cmploy-mout. cmploy-mout. Several meetings will be held during the week with groups of business men who have pledged their support to the plan to meet every situation which may arise in. connection with the inauguration in-auguration of the plan. Advices have been received from Logan, according to A. C. Rees, gen- eral secretary, to the effect that busl-i ness interests there have presented a, solid front against the continuation of any arbitrary demands being mado from unions. A .standing committee has been appointed by the employers to deal with the unions for discussion and consideration of all matters affecting affect-ing the business program, but they hav gone on record as opposing the acceptance of any demands made by labor unless the privilege is granted employers to be consulted on the terms of employment. oo |