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Show I Fate of Kolchak Army In Serious Date I LONDON, April 5. A dispatch to, ; the London Times from Harbin, dated I March 25. says the fate o the army; I of General Voltzekoffsky, the sole remnaril of Admiral Kolchak's forcd.l I in Tratis-Baikalla. calls for serious consideration. The dispatch adds that, lens or vthousamls of men and several thousand officers are anxious to leave Bolshevist territory but that the consent con-sent of the ChlneEe and Japanese has ro be obtained for the e.xodus from, Siberia and that their attitude has not, vet been defined 11 ja asserted by the dispatch that there is gold reserve at Chita amounting amount-ing to forty million gold rubles at the disposal of General Voitzeltoffsky. |