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Show Deaths and Funerals CARR Funeral services for Lenia Carr, Infant daughter of Robert and Viola Isaackson Carr, 3024 Adams avenue, ave-nue, will be held at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday Tues-day morning at the Lindquist chapel. The body may bo viewed at the residence, resi-dence, 3024 Adams avenue. Tho babe died las-night of heart trouble. Burial will taq place In the city cemetery. MR.V OMAS SHERRY Mrs. Thomas Sherry died Sunday afternoon at thfe Crlttendon home, following childbirth. She had boen in Ogden only t short time, coming here from New york. Her husband is en route to Ogdeh from Idaho. Th-tibdy is at the .lnaqt f upre,: parlors. Announcement An-nouncement 'ortne funeral will be made later. |