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Show i Does catairK 1 gruiiv our apetlfe s yeur breaVrsc aplt-. J5 c4iy ft Hacking gough, p ? a stufTcd, head and a bad tasting mouth J 5 5 Start tKe day plghtwldv 2 a clear head and a. whelfrt ? J some breakfaa Ron S , ? dop ha5 helnd th.Qit S Ji a.r and should do thQ 5 1 a rrf l3BWllif Tatlcafli if tc pi Beribboned tie have a place in every spring wardrobe. We offer this beautifu'i -one cylet tie, ,in black .and jl I brown kid, for one week only at 9 ''j !p We also invite your inspection of our exquisite Wichert Pumps and ties in the latest styles. H ! 2461 Washington Avenue s fl :cs-. Let. our graduate foot specialist look at your feet free of charge, . ?' R ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loun by private party. Box 111.. Standard. ISO USED CARS. ONE newly overhauled Ford touring car. cheap If taken at once. Sec Marhcrtson Bros, at BInford-Klmball Motor Co. 1S5 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Five room brick, modern, paved street, $0000. Light room brick, modern. 50 100. Five room brick, ganige. chicken house, strictly modern sleeping porch. $7500. Five room brick, modern, S4700. Other bargains for from ?2t00 to J30.-000. J30.-000. Phone 2020. 2731 Madison avenue. 13S WANTED TO RENT. FOUR or five room furnished houso. Phone 23:18 after 5 p. m lSj MALE HELP WANTED. I CONCRETE contractors wanted to make bids on Job. Call 13C5-W. 1S3 UNFURNISHED. FRONT rooms for housekeeping or oftlco across from park. 320J2 Twcnlj -fifth. 1S5 VANTED FEMALE HELP. YOUNG girl for peneral housework; fam-lly fam-lly of two. Telephone 1726. 1&7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BUSCH and OcrU piano, stylo 15, G2S TwenjLy-aecond. Phone. 2333. TOO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BUCK range, linoleum, dining room table. 161 Patterson avenue. 1S2 ASK-FOR and G&T HorSScks 'Tici -OrfginaJ to&mts -emd .invaftda Aoh -csa?.m3 und 'S-airrtVvaYb'i SHAKE. INTO YOUfl SHOES Allen's Foot Eaje, the antieepdc powder to bo shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the footbath. foot-bath. Tho Pl.itUburg Camp Manual advlscsmcn in training to use Foot-Base in their abocs each morning. It prevents blisters and eoro spots nnd relieves painful, mrollen, smarting feet and taken Vie etlng out of corns and bunion?. Alvna iisc Allen's Foot-Ease to break In now ahoca. Let Cutbsra Be Yqw Beauty Doctor Oonp.Olnta'nf.TaJcum.C.evcrjTrhcr. Fortxjnplfs (iddr3i.Cstlcur&L&or&torLti,D:ptJC, Ztiien,Mji. Ooep-Soated Coughs develop cericua complications If ncr.lected. Uac fin old nnd time-tried remedy that baa EvenatJsfacdonfcrcaorcth2a fifty yearr Use Famo Every Day For Healthy New Hair H Faithful daily use of FAMO is as ncccs- jl . sary to keep your hair healthy as thrice- daily brushing is to keep your teeth jM good. Famo is the one product that jH can be used cay with beneficial results. If you have dandruff, Famo will de-stroy de-stroy it by stopping Seborrhea, the disease that causes dandruff. Famo givc3 the hair health and vigor. Its constant use stimulates the growth of new hair. Used each day it keeps the hair soft, silky and glossy; the scalp as clean and sweet as a baby's. Famo contains no alcohol to cause jH scalp and hair dryness. It postpones jH grayness by making and kcepinjj the " hair healthy. jH You will enjoy using Famo every day IH of your life. IH It requires no rubbing; it doc3 feed and IH nourish the hair roots. jmm It stops itching and makes the whole head healthy. " ,MwM Famo is sold at all toilet goods counters ' in two size3 35 cents for the small size fl and an extra large bottle at $1.00 lH guaranteed. H Seborrhea is a morbidly mcreaaod flow from the sebaceous Aland of the scalp. 'iBBBV The saborrhenn excretion formi in scales And lakes and is commonly known as IUMm dandruff. ''1 From the laboratories of F. A. Thomp- son c Company, Manufacturing ( Pharmacists, Detroit, Mich. jH A. R.' McINTYRE DRUG CO. I Special Famo Agent Jf Valuable hardwood forests abound H in Panama. H wT'M Again We Tell You j "fe?? i it is not necessary to send your glasses I l tu Srilt Lalte or uway from Ogden to Ll WsSEf- Vt-7 iT'3l' lttvo them properly repaired. ij f fiSrif We 6rIlul an-v known lens in our i j B bhP and Can dUP,iCate yUr slasaes A 'H Optometrist and Manufacturing J. T. Ruskmer Optician H HUNDREDS WERE TURNED AWAY LAST EVENING UNABLE TO GET f SEATS COME EARLY TONIGHT. M 1 A I H A If IIP A tomorrow 6Jhe MJsiery t I I H rk 1 fill rk Wi 1 1 IC rk and wed. the Yellow Room' m i AUMU IJLVil AND TWO-REEL COMEjDY H The most gripping picture ever flashed on the screen. Not an idle moment. It rivets H j'our vision from the stjart to the finish, and Frank Gibeny scored a 'tremendous hit, t H singing; Remick's latest) song hits. He will sing every night on this program. Schedule, J M 2:15,4:00, 5:45, 7:3(5, 9:15. Prices, Matinee 1 0c and 20c. Eves. 10c, 20c, 30c. M I A-I If!? IIP A FV in "SINNERS" comes I OfLL JL next ThursV Fri,, Sat. ibbbV BBBH jM |