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Show I1 OGOBI MHi WRTTES M ARTICLE SIX Union Side of Controversy About Apprentices Told in Communication Editor Standard-Examiner: As the public is mentioned so often I In. the controversy between the Utah Associated Industries and union labor I let me cite article 6 of the American plan and then the public can judge II for itself if it or ihc Associated In-I In-I dustrics is the first consideration In I tills so-called American plan. I Article C reads: "'That there be no l limitation placed upon the number R of apprentices in any craft." V No limitation on apprentices means I just as few skilled workers as pos-U pos-U I siblc and as .many apprentices as the R employer needs to complete the Job. I ' The employer saves a few dollars on I the apprentices, but is it possible for I j thm to do skilled labor? Certainly I I not. I Poos the employer give the pros- r jirctive builder any discount on the I purchase price of "building on account I of employing unskilled labor? Of U course not. The public gives a con-1 con-1 tract for a certain building but it is I guaranteed nothing, only the build-1 build-1 ing. No guarantee of skilled work-I work-I manshlp or of time when the job I will be compfcted. If the employer IS'' i?kes a notion to cut wages or to employ unskilled labor it generally causes a strike, which means suspension suspen-sion of operations for an indefinite period. If the building is half finished fin-ished when this occurs and it is left to the weather for six months or more nobody gets compennaled for the wear and tear on this unfinished unfin-ished project. When the public Incests In-cests its money in anything in the building line it surely docs not wish to pay the bill while a building profiteer prof-iteer teaches apprentices the trade. Therefore, why not insist on a time limit for building and Insist on union men doing the work as a union card 1st the only proof the public can get that the workmen employed are mechanics. me-chanics. If you pay for a building mil want your full value which is he best way to get It, by skilled r unskilled labor. Article G say3 it - mi v. on nrr rfnt unskilled. I Let the public consider article , and sec If it will get consideration -nder that plan. It seems to mo the j ji iblic under this plan Is the goat, ot on the part of labor but on account ac-count of the Associated Industries' rticlo C-. Article S reads: "That any plan contrary' to these principles is repugnant re-pugnant to American institutions." If article C is not repugnant to the dear public, who does the paying? I would like some one to tell mo Why. JAMES TUTTLE, Box 41G, Ogdcn, Utah. |