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Show NOTICE OF SlMiCLAL STOCKHOLDERS' STOCK-HOLDERS' MEETING OF 1 THE OGDEN-AATOMING OUi COMPANY. Notice Is hereby glon, that a spo-clal spo-clal meeting of the stockholders of the Ogden-AATyomlng Oil company has been called by resolution of the Board of Directors of said company, to bo held at the principal offlco of said company at No. 314, Col. Hudson building, In Ogden City, AVcber county, State of Utah, on Saturday, the 10th day of April, A. D. 1920, tt the hour of Two o'clock P. M., for thfe following: follow-ing: purposes, among others: 1. To consider and act Upon the Joint agreement entered Into by the Boards o Directors of the Ogden-Wyoming Ogden-Wyoming Oil company and ttfe Logan-AA'yomlng Logan-AA'yomlng Oil company, whxreby the Logan - Wyoming Oil company is merged and consolidated with and into the Ogden-AVyomlng Oil company Hl upon the terms and conditions set out 11 at length In said agreement. 2. To vote upon the proposed amendments to the articles of incor-poratlon incor-poratlon of tho Ogden - Wyoming Oil company, which are as follows: Amending Article Seven to read as follows: Kfl "The total authorized capital stoqk of the corporation is and shall be Ons Lifl Million Dollars (51, 000,000), divided ' tifl into One Million (1,000,000) shares of the par value of One Dollar (1.00) 1 per share, and of which amount Six lH Hundred Thousand (600,000) shares ll shall be, and is hercoy set apart and II designated as Treasury stock, to be V sold or olhcrwiso disposed of by the ' IH Board of Directors of the corporation IH for tho best interests of the said cor- IH poratlon." IH Amending Article Eight to read ai VM follows: IH "The officers of this corporation ' shall consist of a board of nine O) ;l directors, from which shall be elected HH a Prcsldont, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, provided, however, that the office of Secretary and Treas- ' urer may be held by the same person j If deemed so advisable by the board of directors. Each director and offi-cer offi-cer must bo a stockholder of the cor- poratlon." Amending Article Eleven to read as follows: "Five of the board of directors shall I bo necessary to form a quorum, and 11 shall be authorized to transact tht business of the corporation and oxer-cise oxer-cise tho corporate powers thereof." JA 3. Td elect nine (9) directors to act HH as the directors of the consolidated Bff corporation until the next annual WL', meeting of the stockholders. t. j.u tuiiaiuoi iiuu aui upon any l ,--i other matter in connection with or pertinent to said mergor and consoli- B'-datlon, B'-datlon, and any other matter or mat- H ters which may properly bo brought WL'' before or considered at a special or ELi general meeting of the stockholders HB of said company. By Order of tho Board of Directors. DAArID JENSON. Socretary. |