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Show I- ffEICBlBIE ' STMTS M Wan County Conference in Baptist Church; Local Committee to be Named (By T. IT- Masters) State Director L. A. Garrison ami State Publicity Director 1. 11. Masters were In . Ogden Saturday conferring with pastors of the Ogdcn churches Rnd prominent business men concerning concern-ing tlieVJnJerchurch World Movo-went Movo-went of iplS.li. Dr.' Garrison said a number of prominent business men's committee In connection with this forwnrd movement and that a number num-ber of these man will also be asked to servo on the state committee of ; ' the Interchurch World Movement. 1 r; """ Mr. Masters, who taught In the Ogdcn hlph school some ten years ago, and Dr. Garrison Interviewed O J. Stllwcll, secretary of the chamber of commerce and also a former head of the business department of the Ogden high school. . Mr. Stilwell offered of-fered some excellent suggestions con-corning con-corning the campaign in Ogden and J tho personnel of tbe committee' to bo selected here. I The campaign for the Interchurch 1 World Movement really opens hero Thursday of this week with a county conference . In the First Raptlst church. This will he an all-day session ses-sion and a number of the leading pastors and laymen in Utah will address ad-dress the various sessions. In the , ovcnlng a tereoptlcan lecture will he ' presented and a special musical program pro-gram will be rendered. : The public Is cordially invited to attend these sessions in which thirty of the great denominations of tho Protestant churches of the United n States arc participating'. A survey of the needs of the various churches In Utah will be presented and discussed. dis-cussed. This movement is primarily to place the evangelical churches on a business basis and to eliminate waste , and duplication of work oo |