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Show j: fty RS. LUCILE H1XSON, of;! jj Kansas City, only weighed 79 !; pounds when sho began taking Tan- !; s lac. She has already gained 36 Jj ;! poundc, and says this wondorful ;I medicine has been the greatest ;! 1; blessing of her life. "I weighed only seventy-nine pounds when I began taking Tanlac, but now I weigh one hundred and fifteen and am feeling bettor than I have in seven years," was the unusual statement nado by Mrs. Lucile Ilixson, living at 2032 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo., a few days ago. "Before I began taking Tanlac," continued con-tinued Mrs. Hixson, "1 had become soo weak from seven years of suffering that at times I wasn't ablo to stand on my feet. What I ate nearly always disagreed dis-agreed with mo and made gas form ao bad that I could hardly get my breath. I was badly constipated and had a pain across the small of my back and mi-nerves mi-nerves were upset I was troubled with dull headaches just about all the time and often I had fainting spoils, dizzy spells and I was never ablo to walk any distance before I felt exhausted. "My undo rocommended Tanlac to mo and now sinco It has entirely overcome over-come my troubles I will never get through praising it. I am not troubled with indigestion or gas at all and I am eating anything and everything I wan' and digesting it perfectly. Headachei and dizzy spells have all left me anu my constipated condition has been relieved. re-lieved. My nerves are in fine condition condi-tion and tho pain across the small of my back has disappeared altogether. I havo gained thirty-six pounds In weight, can do my housework by myself my-self and I am stronger than I have! been in years. Tanlac has certainly L hpfln thrt rn-nnlncf Klnnoino f .. u - and I will never be able to praise it enough for what It has done for me." Tanlac is sold In Ogden by A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. It cleans out the germs of winter freshens you up Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea, a certain Spring Cleans-er Cleans-er fiz-Ik. A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. P7TKSHH doctors mtmmMB 'av-TiSHORKS f SHORES W fM W 4P'1 Mrn nn1 'VVonicn M&lM SW . OOlcc tw Main Street 25, y& Suit Lake City. UuhlMfPjl HMi Call or vrlte IBVv JH Thirty yean experience trcAtlnc Acute, Chronic nd Sperlnl Dtieasei. k Again Today! 1:45 P.M. to 11 P.M. fiikJ AMERICA'S GREATEST fllll YOUTHFUL ACTOR m Pickford "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" Also MUTT AND JEFF PATHE NEWS ' OGDEN THEATRE! 1 ' ! '! I V $t . ' they're so light, you'll scarcely V S fine nnd firm you'll like the new ' ' ' know you're wearing one; the felt yj- f curled brim stj'les in green, bnnvn, . i(',t beaver and gray the season's best ' ' shape and shades, v ' )i a "'.'"., Just wishing to succeed in the world won't get you very far. But take a good habit into partnership with you, and you'll be better off at once. Begin by saving a sum too small to be missed and the good habit will grow. The Daily Dime Saver will help you to get started. Make it a rule never to spend your dimes. When making necessary purchases use other coins. Accumulate all of the dimes you can. i After you havo formed this daily habit, you will not be satisfied until ; you have increased your savings account by saving additional amounts. ( An extra ten, five, two or one dollar bill deposited with your dimes will j, Increase your capital rapidly. L We want to have a real share In helping you on the road to success, suc-cess, and the first ctep is to show you what you can accomplish by , saving a dime every day. Join the Daily Dime Savers Club today. Utah National Bank - OF OGDEN j A Train of Is (?ften Trails Those Who Neglect Costive Cos-tive Boyela Indigestion, Headaches, Bad Blood, Rheumatism, Pimples, Boils, Etc. Are Only a Few. Try Efficient Sulpherb Tablets. I vou or any member of your family young or old, are bothered with con-Btipation.you con-Btipation.you can isuroly get pleasant, pleas-ant, lasting relief, tvIiUg at the same time you can rid tho system of a multitude multi-tude of ailments which may owe their origin to the pent-up poisons in your body. Sulphorb Tablets (not sulphur tablets) act beneficially on the stomach, stom-ach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, and once you know their cheapness and their value, nothing -would Induce you to be without them. Mrs. A. B. Coleman, 1G05 Hackborry street, Austin, To.w, writes: "I use your Sulpherb Tablots for my whole family and they are 'Just simply fine." Guaranteed satisfactory and sold by all good druggists 60c Advertisement. NAME BAYER ON GENUINE ASPIRIN, For Colds, Headache, Pain, Neuralgia, Toothache, Lum-Bago, Lum-Bago, Rheumatism "Bayer Tablots of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety safe-ty "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken un-broken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions. direc-tions. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablots cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger 'aiayer" packages. Aspirin Ik the trade mark of Bayer Manufac-tureof Manufac-tureof Monoacetlcacidester of Salicylic-acid. Salicylic-acid. Advertisement Tecs, and Wed. DAILY MATINEES She'll Make You Thrill, Laugh and I tfJUL. 'V 1 A Happy Return Engagement Norma Talmadge H "A Daughter of l Two Worlds" Don't Miss It If You Can Help It You'll Be Glad You Came Matinees, 2 and 4 p. m., 10c 25c I HR Nights, 7 and 9 p. m., 10c and 30c ' IH A Wonderful Picture With a Bril-1 WM liant Star j Easter Monday H 9 T02 II Special Music LILLIAN fl '' THATCHER Orchestra i IH H ORPHEUM Last Time Tonight 8:15 j "With Kenneth Christy PRICES 50c to $2.00 IH ( ORPHEUM 1 B (J COMING APRIL 11 AND 12 I IE 0 Two Nlfjhts Only Sunday and Monday! IH. Owing to tho avalanche of mall orders I which Is absolutoly unprecedonted 1 tickets will be ready one week In D advance I SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY R IH The N. Y. Winter Garden's 0 JM Stupendous Revue 1 H ThePassingShow' 1 With Willie and Euoene Howard I PRICES $1 to $3 9 Ppl No Phone Orders No Scats Laid liiH CHICHESTER S PILLS I 1 J WJ Tko oo otlnr. IJny of yur V lH r SOLD BY DRIJOMSTS tVERVWHERF Ell |