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Show SIX CLUB LEAGUE LOOMS FDR DGOOI Live Wires Eager to Place Ogden Og-den in League With Other Cities If the plans of Oeorge We38ler and Frank Scott mature, Ogden will have n rirst-class baseball team in the proposed pro-posed Utah-Idaho league, which is now being considered by the live wires of Ogden, Brigham City, Layton, Tremon-I Tremon-I ton. Malad and Bountiful. All that re-j re-j mains to place Ogden in the circuit is I financial backing, and Wessler and j Scott, aided by Bert Herrick. W. W. Watts and A. G. Wells, hope to raise the necessary funds during the present week. Ogden has been without a league team since 1913, when the old Union I association was holding the limelight, and the local followers of the game expect to revive the game and put the "daddy of 'em all" back in the sport world locally. Thus far the officials of the proposed pro-posed league have worked out playing rules, eligibility rules and other business busi-ness pertaining lo the league and all that remains lo place- Ogden In the league is funds totaling not more thnn ?700. This money, according to Manager Man-ager Scott, will be raised by popular subscription. The season Is scheduled lo open May 12 and close September 1.1 In Ogden during the first month it Is planned to play the contests on Wed-i nesdays. while out of town games will be played on Saturday. Two games a week will be the card. Morgan at Brigham. Cy Morgan, former Salt Lake -heaver, a member of the Southern league for a few seasons and a member of the old Union league, will handle the reins of the Brigham City club. Morgan expects ex-pects to have a first class team in the field when the bell sounds. The other teams have already started start-ed plans for the season, and the grade of ball should be second to none of the league in Utah and Idaho. George Wessler has been named cap-lain cap-lain of the local team. Wessler has had years of experience and is rated as an A-l ball player. On the rubber i the locals will have Frank Scott. Chct I Allen. Bill Shipley, Harry Greenwell and Dick Ileywood. Dixon and Miller are candidates for the receiving end. Both boys are good backstops and should aid the team materially ma-terially in that department. Butterfield and French are candidates for the far corner, and although the former Is an old-timer, he is still able to cavort around with the youngsters. Jack Owens Ow-ens will be pitted at the initial sack and Wessler will hold down the keystone. key-stone. Pietroff. a former professional player, will-hold down the srort field. Reardon. .7. Myers, George Myer3, George Grossman and Dick Lotion are candidates for the outfield. While these men have been named as probable proba-ble players for the season, all players for the season, all players are invited lo try for ihe team, according to Manager Man-ager Scott. |