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Show MOT GOLFERS 11) t COMPETE 11 TOMB Three Hundred Stars Entered In Southern California IB Championships IH LOS ANGELES, April 5. More than 300 players havo entered the lists for the southern California ama-teur ama-teur golf championship to be played on the links of tho Los Angeles coun-try coun-try club, April C to 10. inclusive. They hayo been busy for some time In active practlve so they will bo in tho best condition. RHfl Not only will the players repre- IHl sent clubs In all sections "of southern tHi California, but entrants also are list- , eir (j-om tho .northern part of tho " state, especially from San Francisco. which has promised to enter at least IH three of the best amateur golfora in the 1 The San Franciscans named al- ready as. entrants aro Jack Neville. HHP amateur champion of California, and K. K. Johnstone. It Is aild also that IH others from tho north may be ex- kflK' pected. IBi'vt Southern Californian swho have at- VWtt talned prominence as golfers and Ol who will dofend this .section of tho state against the! northerners include IH C. II. Palmor, Jr., George C. Thomas, IH Jr., Windsor ii. Walton. W. W. Camp- M bell. "Farmer BUI" Racon, A. D. S. .H Johnston, Jack Nc'vln and E. H." Il Savnr. H San Franciscans 'have written Los fH Angeles golfers of their belief one H of- hte northerners will capture thu southern California title. These let-. ters have brought forth from Ed Tufts, president of the Southern Cal- IH ffornla Golf association, the Jocular statement that he "would Jlku to know If the threatened invaders know ts any moro good jokes." H |