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Show i LIBERTY : BONDS " INVESTMENT SECURITIES I " JflHo!s &Co ) - eccus m main sir 1 OOOEN SALT LAKE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL . IBI ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. IH In the District Court of Weber Coun- ty, State of Utah. In the flatter of the Estate of John Rigby, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah, made and entered on the 29th day of March, 1920, in the matter of tin estate of John Rigby, deceased, that. I, the undersigned administrator of said estate, will sell, at private sale. In, one IP parcel to the highest bidder, on the Kl terms hereinafter mentioned, and sub-ject sub-ject to confirmation of said District Court, the following described real - i and personal property, located in Wo- ber County, Utah, and further de- scribed as follows: j. i'.iil ui me auuinwcsi quarter ll of Section Fourteen (14), Township jH Five (5) North, Range Three (3) West, Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Sur- vey. Beginning at a point 2,S2 chains IB North and Sixteen (16) chains East Hf from tho southwest corner of said IH quarter section, and running thence IK cast 12.90 chains, thence North 10.50 Kv chains, thence West 12.90 chains, IB thence south 10.50 chains to the plact H of beginning containing 13.5 acres more or less, together with five- shares of tho capital stock of' tho Hooper Irrigation company. JH Said sale will bo' made on or after the 10th day of April. 1920. Bids will IH be received for said property at tha office of John A. Sneddon, attorney lH for said administrator, at suite 316 H First National bank building, Ogden,, Terni3 of Sale Ten per cent (10 per fl cent) of the amount bid upon tho ac- ccptance of the same, and 'the bal- ancc upon confirmation of said sale H by tho. above entitled court. Dated at Ogden, Utah, this, the 29th ll day of March, 1920. H ROBERT HULL, H Administrator of tho Estate of John ' Rigby, Deceased. IH JOHN A. SNEDDON. IH , Attorney for said Administrator. |