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Show POLICy OF ITE1TE I lacking ii mro pM!IIM t Bclsheviki Crow Over Victories Victor-ies at Opening Session of Confab Called in Moscow MOSCOW. March 29. (By the Associated Asso-ciated Press.) Consolidation of party interests and centralization of departmental depart-mental activities us tho result of Russian Rus-sian victories "on all fronts" was the 'keynote of the soviet government's I policy by Nikolai Lenine, Bolshevik i j premier, speaking at the opening session ses-sion of the ninth convention of the j communist party here today. . I "That this morale of victory happened," hap-pened," he declared, "notwithstanding the imperialistic world war against us. jwas due to centralization, sacrifices I and discipline." Recent peace proposals received by the soviet government denoted a change of "seniiment in the outside world and an entente policy indicative of lack of unity," Lenine said, adding, "our position cannot be determined from the viewpoint of jurisprudence.' Representatives of Swedish and Norwegian workers were welcomed at I the conference aud a general commit-jtee, commit-jtee, which included Lenine. Trotzky and other Bolshevik leaders, wero elected. |