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Show OO-1 SPORT SHORTS V J SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. Calif-April Calif-April 5. Dud Perkins won the free-for-all, chief event of the annual national na-tional motorcycle hill climb here, yesterday, yes-terday, going over the top of tho 500-foot 500-foot ascent in 26 1-5 seconds. Floyd Clymer was second, going over in 31 seconds. NEW YORK, April 5. Joe Stecher and Ed "Strangler" Lewis, heavyweight heavy-weight wrestlers, have been matched I for a boj.it in the Sevcnty.-first armory here on April 16, It was announced today. to-day. STANFORD UNIVERSITY", April 5. Five matches, three singles and , two doubles, will decide the Stanford- California intercollegiate championship; on April 10. " j Paul Kinney, Stanford tennis Cap tain, has these stars on his team: Phil, Neer, Pacific northwest champion: Jimmy Davis, Lawesberry, Fish and Turner. California's team is captained by Henry Stevens and includes" Jim Roth-child, Roth-child, Tevis Martin, Don Wright, Powers Pow-ers and Levy. SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. San Francisco yacht cluba are lo revive this season the annual yacht race between be-tween this city and Santa Cruz. Efforts are to be made to interest southern California yachtsmen in the event Any yacht registered with a recognized club on the Pacific coast may be entered in the race. 5.1M T?R .WPlSm A ni'il S Sniliir of the Verba Buena (Goat Island) naval na-val training station here have begun practice for the coming baseball season sea-son and are arranging a series ot games with teams about San Francisco Francis-co bay. Baumgartner, a semi-pro shortstop from Brooklyn, N. Y.; Cdstello of Cleveland, O., and Gardina, second and third basemen, are among the promising promis-ing prospects. TACOMA, Wash.. April 5. Ski jumpers from Lanada, Sweden, Norway Nor-way and the United Slates are to participate par-ticipate in the annual ski tournament on Mount. Tacoma on June 26 and 27. Theicvent will be under the direction of the Northwest Ski club. Anders Haugen of Dillon, Colo., holder hold-er of the world's record with a jump of 214 feet, and Henry Ball bf Denver, who has a leap of 201 feel to his credit, have been asked to enter the tournament. |