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Show SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho District Court of Webor County, ; VVJ State of Utah. r ,. - '. f PH Mary Brooks. Administratrix of tho Es- Y BBJ tato of Clarence W. Brooks. Doconsed, i ' j BBJ Plaintiff, vs. Uirs C. Jensen, and Dor- . BBJ othy C. Jensen. Dofendants. so. I BBJ To bo sold at Sheriff's Sale on tho 27th , HBJ dai' of April. 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, of , BBJ ald day. at tho ?outh Front Door of tho . BJ Weber County Court House, in Ogdcn BJ City. Weber County. Utah, the following j BABJ described proporty. to-wit: t I Situate In Ogdcn City. W'eber County. . BJ Stnto of UUh. and particularly bounded BJ and described is follows: A part of ot , BB five (5). in Block Twenty-four (24). Plat ; BJ "A" Ogden City. Survey; beginning at a J BB point 88 foot north of the southwest cor- BJ her of said lot 5. and running thenco north BJ ? ! feet, thtrnco cast 24 feet, thenco south I BJ 45 fcot "hence v.ost 24 feet to place" of- BJ beginning Together with a right of wa&. ; BJ beginning at a point 133 feet north of the H southwest corner of said lot 5. block 24, plat A Ogdcn City Survey, and running BB thence east 133.4 feet, thence north 13 BJ fro" thenco west 133.4 feel, thonce soiUli ; : 12 feet to the placo of beginning. -4S BJ Totrcther with all and singular tho torlfl- montfl. hereditaments und PP.rle'imces BJ thereunto belonging or In anywise appo- BB tftDategd at Ogdon City. WeCoun'tf. . Utah, this 6th ynrnbN. B Sheriff of Weber CountyUtaW ; BJ By Curtis Alllgon, Deputy Sheriff. iBlJ MSJVfl |