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Show MOUSE MARKET IN SLUMP AT GOTHAM Kew York, April 5. A big slump in the mouse market Is reported frvm Columbia university, where lary stocks of the little rodents are uid for experimental purposes. Quotations Quota-tions for mice have fallen far bc.ov tpre-war levels, and many brccdes liavc been forced out of business, ao-cordlng ao-cordlng to Dr. Francis Carter "Wood. Hosts of mice were required du.ins the war for medical experiments aud high prices offered for them bj the government stimulated the breoUn g of (he animals. "When tho armistice was signed the breeders were caught "long" on mice, and they found themselves them-selves carrying a heavy overload tf a useless commodity, This situation In tho mouse market is dleclosed In Dr. "Wood's annual report re-port as director of the Geoigc Ciocker special research fund, mado pubhu tj-day. tj-day. This fund was created to conduct con-duct scientific cancer investigation, and many mice not used for experiments experi-ments at Columbia university aro shipped to other laboratories As oil'1 j means to reduce tho surplus, the di-lcctors di-lcctors of the research fund has attempted at-tempted to ship some of the mice to the palhaligical institute of the Imperial Im-perial university at Tolclo. |