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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Stale Engineer's Office, Salt Lake Cily. Utah, March 3. 1020. Notice Is hereby givn that AVilliam Knight, of JMaln Cily, Utah, has made application in accordance with Iho requirements re-quirements of Sec. S, Chap. 67. Session I Laws of Utah. 1919, lo change tho placo j of use of teven and one-half (7Vi) second-feel of water diverted from the Weber We-ber River, In Weber County, al n poI:.t which lies 900 ft. south and 700 ft. east fiom the northwest corner of Sec. 19. Township G Norlh. Range 2 AVest, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and originally intended to Irrigate 520 acres of land embraced em-braced In the SW. U SW Vt Sec 18. NAY" ri NW. U. Sec. 19. T. 6 N.. R 2 V SE' i SE. U. Sec. 13. NE. U 12. t W. and AV. i SE. J.i Sec. 21, T. G N., R, 3 W. it Is now desired to convey the water In a ditch for a distance of .;3G5 ft. and there use 10 irrigate 335 acres if Innd embraced In the SE i and E. SW. U Sec 13 and NE. U am! E. z NAV. ; Sec 2L T. C N.. R. 3 V and Ihc AV. A NAV. M Sec I 10. T. G N.. I". 2 W, This application Is Rdcslgnaled In the State Engineers' office as No. a520. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor. must be made by affidavit In duplicate. accompanied with a fee of 52.50. and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of tills notlcje. G. F. McGONAGLE. State Engineer. Date of first publication March s. 1920. Date of last publication April 5. 1920. |