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Show SACRED CATTLE GET .RIBBONS AT SlHOW Fort Worth, Tpn3. April G. Tho great sacred cattle of India have gone to home pastures with blue'- ribbons for the first time from the Fort Worth al stock show, setting a new era in the industry in tho southwc&t. The Li rah mas came from the great Pierce ranches in Wharton counts. What attracted ' most attu;iiion about the "sacred, cattle" Is the fact that tlipy are lick-proof and drougnt-resisting. drougnt-resisting. Originally purc-breds. tbcoe giant, gaunt catllo have been crowed with Texas stock until they have dropped somo of the physical "chur&t.--lerisU.cp of their kind. But thuy still retain the hump and their natural wildncss has bpen Intensified. o |