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Show NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF PEAL ESTATE. In tho Matter of the K3lat nnd Guardianship Guar-dianship of John M. Letwitt. a Minor. The undersized -will sll at pri.ile sale the following- described oiopi-rtv situated sit-uated In the-Count of W'obcr, State of I'tah. A part or the Northwest ruartcr of Section Twenty-one. Township Six North, Ran?e Two. Weal of the Salt. Lake Meridian. heKlnnlnpr nt a point Twenty chains South and Twenlv chains East of the Northwest corner cor-ner of Bald Qunrlcr section and running run-ning ihcncc North KlRhl Rods, thence "Weal ten rod, thence South clclu rods, thence East ten rods to the place of bediming. Thai the dimensions of said property arc eight by ten rods nml the saino and all thereof will be sold on or after the lnth day of April. 1020. and written bids will bo received at Room .1. Utah National Nation-al Bnnk Uulldfn? on the comer of Twenty-fourth .Street and "Waahlnpton Avenue of Ogden City. Weber County. Stalo of L tali. Terms of sale, cash o ANNE M. LEA V ITT. Guardian of the Person and Estate of said John M. LcnvItL a Minor. R S Farnsworth. Attorney for said Guar- dlan. 150 |