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Show Puss in Boots J r .By David Cory. BV and by TiifCy stopped stroking Puss Junior. a;id said In ;i klnd y vc,c:. Well. my an little cat,, what ohu tlo for you.'" I'usa Junior didn't now ju,t vh?.t lo answer. I,n U.k, a he hadn't com for nnythlnx. li ouldn't think of anythin? 'to ni in-- ijue.stlon. Hut little Tom Thumbj however, called over from where he was sMtln? 111 the YlsIiWoiil.tn'a lap. that they had co:n6 to call, una that they were bit-augers - in town, traveling thr'ousrh on K Juurnoy uf Adventure. .". , "Did you hear wliil; Utey say .ibo.Jt mfe,'.",' aiked Taffy. tri , : Yes. W5 Old.'" rrnlitd fruits.' ti,ul. some how, f didn't L..e; It tr.u;; , and I'm 'very sure I"lon i. j".iev 11 now." ' Blas; yon -for iml," CitltJie. iK- - 1 ,1' l rV ik- W.elsliwoilitn.' "my.ii,- is'VivV , Lhlvf. '1 iiore been x .rtal :ntA., ik about H all. ' , f "'c. lira. ..icb nasi."- jja.d Va'.j. "b hi w can I proVe I T oomcono with ?t red beard stole the- ultce' u -beof fcorn ' t!i Uutcfierinun,' (t;liU 'then tltcy .snld it" whs I. But .1 hus uevov noHf his place, not" uiii 1 lay hands un iuc&l or mtirro'-l)oiii." , At the mom-iit theiv t-ante a Iuud kiioukinp at, th' front door, and when the Iltt'.a'YVolHni-Oriaii Opeil! It. whom should sstt ilud but 'in hutciiornian !tirrta,.ir: t-ook wnai 1 IraVo bruugrlittu wJiow yoti." he holflln'i up '-i fale red bearU. "I found ll:li to-Gay bvlilhd .a barrsl In my niiop. U'a veiy like your Trtfr"s beard." AL this the 'little - Welshwoman opened her byes very 'twUte'arul irUdHo" spu.'.k. but she wax so surprised jh couldn't. When the butcher went on lo Uiiy tlt.it 'ptrlisps the niaitwho wov thin ' beard was the 0:1c who had Stolen his beef. And their the Utile Welshwoman bo?a to cry 'very soltly. and ilia big1 huteher, -who had a very kind heart, wald. "Uon'.t' cry. my good woman. J don't think now your Tufty stole thv beof. and lliat'n the reaton I've voue all the way up here to show you this beard. So you toll Taffy that I shall tell everybody lu lo-vn that It wasn't he' who stole my beef, bul some thief who wore a ed beard; and then. Til show (henl whaL I found In my chop, ard thai will prove what I say. Everybody will be glad to know that Taffy Isn't to blame." As iioon as the butober was gone, she flew upstair to tell Taffy the good news. Ah.d it almost mado Taffy cry. If he hadn't been a man. he would have.- But it Tvas hard work not to. Just the ume, "My head feels belter already," he said with a langl Lh.a.t had a big catch In it. Tako off the bandages, little -woman. I'll come down to supper, and these two small friends of ours Bhall upend the night with us, for tiiey have brought u good luck to-day, that, thoy have." And In the next story you shall hv what happened hap-pened after that. 1 CopjHrlit, lt), J-.ld Cor?. To be. Coatlnued. ' |