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Show SOCIALISTS ISSUE BUIli STATEMENT Charges of Perjured Testimony Testi-mony and Doctored Record Made by Committee NEW YORK, April 5. Charges of perjured testimony and a doctored record in the trial of the five Socialists expelled last week from the New York assembly were contained in a statement state-ment issued today by the national ex-oxutivo ex-oxutivo committee of the Socialist party. par-ty. "The closing hours of the shameful proceedings at Albany, where the fumes of liquor accompanied the commission com-mission of the crime, have awakened many thousands to the danger which a war-crazed reaction has brought to the nation." read the statement, which was headed "The New York Revolution." Revolu-tion." Asserting assembly members who voted to suspend knrnr nothing regarding the charges and voted at the orders of their party leaders, the statement said: Like an Inquisition. "A trial followed which was reminiscent remin-iscent of the black days of the Inquisition," Inquisi-tion," and that "porjured testimony was introduced and refuted by unimpeachable unim-peachable witnesses." The statement also declared tho record was "doctored" "doc-tored" for consumption by newspaper readers. "For many weary years." the statement state-ment continued, "the Socialist party had contended with the criminal practices prac-tices of tho politicians In elections. Our voters have been brutally slugged at the polls. Having beaten tno election elec-tion thugs and crocks In five districts, in some of them over tho combined opposition of the two major parties, our assemblymen arc denied their seats in the assembly chamber. "A republican form of government, guaranteed by section 4 of article 4 of tho constitution of the United States, has been abolished by a usurping oligarchy olig-archy in the capital at Albany. Battle is Begun. "Our resources are by no means exhausted ex-hausted and the solidarity of all tho organized forces of labor assures us ultimate victory. Wo caution our friends not to permit their resentment of this legislative crime to goad them into any conduct that would reflect upon the great cause of human emancipation. eman-cipation. "Tho Socialist party will not be driven underground by its enemies. It will not allow itself to be maneuvered Into a secrot organization persecuted by the enemies of workers. Instead of being driven under ground wo shall drive these treacherous oligarchs Into The statement is signed by William H. Henry, George E. Roewer, Jr., and Jamos O'Neal. nn |