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Show JACK PIGKFORD'S PJEW PICTURE GOES BIG AT The stormy and wintry Eastor j weather which came upon Ogden and vicinity yesterday and continued most of the day did not dampen the ardor of the fifteen hundred or more plcturo fans who went to the Ogden theatre last night to see Jack Plckford in tho first of his Coldwyn pictures, "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come." The young star was seen to great advantage in the storm of love and adventure ad-venture in the Kentucky hills, from the pen of John Fox, Jr. He is ideal In the role of Chad, the mountain waif. His boyish expression and actions ac-tions register strong emotions in every scene. He has a very strong cast of some of the big actors and actresses now appearing on the screen. The picture pic-ture will be seen again today, Tuesday Tues-day and Wednesday. |