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Show I RESURRECTION TOPIC ! OF PALMER'S SEIB1 Easter Marks Close of First Year of Dr. Palmer in Ogdcn "At the end of the Sabbath, as It began to dawn toward thc first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to the sepulcher." Matt. 2S:1. This was the subject of the Easter morning sermon at the First Baptist church by Dr. Ray Palmer. Dr. Palmer said that earthly Sabbaths pass away, but that the spirit of tho Sabbath remains. "Christianity is over at the dawning, and thero will be a lime when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as Jehovah foreordained that 'the waters of tho earth would cover the earth.' Since that first Sabbath, the day has been lifted from tho common placo and glorified." Dr. Palmer spoke of the tenderness of woman s love, which was shown, when they came to the sepulcher, bearing spices for the body of Jesus. The speaker maintained that there was a pathos about tho unbelief of those women, for they had seen Christ die on the cross, suffering Intense In-tense agony, and when they came to the tomb they had forgotten His promise to rise on tho third day. Mark says that when tho women reached the tomb they saw an angel, a young man, keeping guard at the empty grave, who spoke words of cheer: "Why seek yo the living among the dead? Ho Is not here; Ho is risen." Here Is the sublime fact: "He is risen." Upon this we fix our. hope. You cannot take away the resurrection of Christ, for without it. the world would be in tutor darkness. dark-ness. Yet there arc many who deny th!3 fact. This idea has come from shallow and bitter minds, and should not be allowed to grow. The wisest aro those who persistently follow the faith of our fathers, Eastor Sunday marked tho close of tho first year of service in Ogdcn carried on by Dr. Palmer. "Work in the Sunday school department wa3 reported, and morning classes held a3 usual. There was a large attendance attend-ance both at tho morning and ove-nlng ove-nlng services. |