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Show man fight is ' TO IE RENEWED House to Vote on Resolution Declaring the War Ended Complications Expected WASHINGTON. April 5. The fight in congress over formal termination term-ination of the war will be renewed this week. "With the failure of the senate to ratify the peace treaty, the house will vote on a resolution, put forward for-ward by Republicans, declaring the war ended. There, wore indications today; .however, that'thls might result re-sult in further developments in connection con-nection with the .treaty, possibly its resubmission , to the senate by. the president as the administration's counter move. The peace resolution is to boi brought before the house Thursday with a rule calling for a voto Friday. Fri-day. Republicans believe its adoption adop-tion is assured, while Democrats declare de-clare It certainly will bo vetoed by President Wilson without prospects of obtaining a two-thirds vote to override the veto. In many well informed quarters tho impression is growing that either before or more probably along with a veto message tho president might return the treaty to the senate with affirmative expressions regarding- reservations. res-ervations. Indeed, It would not surprise sur-prise administration spokesmen in toucl) with the situation should the president return the treaty within a few days. Although Democrats plan a vigorous vigor-ous fight on the resolution, they virtually vir-tually aro without hope of preventing its adoption la both houso and senate. sen-ate. This was Indicated by Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, administration administra-tion leader, who returned today from a vacation in the south. Senator Hitchcock also differed from views expressed by Senator Lodge of Massa-v chusetts, tho Republican leader, regarding re-garding tho length of tho senate contest over tho measure. "I believe there will be. prolonged discussion," said Senator Hitchcock. "Thero are many new and most important im-portant issues presented in the proposals." pro-posals." Senator Hitchcock declined to confirm con-firm or discuss reports (hat tho president was considering return of the treaty to .tho senate shortly, but Indicated that he had been In correspondence cor-respondence with tho president during dur-ing his absence from Washington. oo- |