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Show m HINTS FOR THE H HOUSEHOLD ,'11 x great saving in gas mantles Is f jEV fffected by keeping tho 1 Id of an IB old cocoabox over tho globe when 'JlB, the gas Is not In use. This keeps WWr the dust out, as it Is due to the ISit dU8t Kathorlng on the top of the PBH mantle that the light Is sometimes ' bad. Another plan Is to lift off tho Mrm- brass top njid mantle togothor and mW blow through tho holos In tho brnck- Hjn ' tt. Better light and more economy IMP' 1 In mantles will result from theso Bp 4 j precautions, l , When bathing the baby do not M " ' v Up your hand in tho water to And fl r But If It is too hot. Your hand is vk h- not a good indicator of hoat for II IB baby's tender skin. Put your olbow If f In the water; If not too hotlor that, r j ii Is safe for tho baby. m- When an umbrella is old and K,- L worn out do not throw It away. V'r Romove tho cover and enamol the m M framework to prevent its rusting, w v Suspend tho frame by tho handle JE Crom a hook in tho colling. Many W UJ small articles can be hung on each M I rib and drlod readily, and when . Ironing collars, nccktlea, otc, they I 1 can be aired in tho samo way. Jt ;an bo closed up and put out -of 1 i light when not In uso. H When doing mcch Ironing It will Wjl je found to be a groat help to have M ;wo or threo Iron-holders ready, ' M io that you can change 'from one ' !jBi the, other occasionally. This pre- ; rents the hand from getting as hot j1 ind tired as it would otherwise do. f U The baking of large cakes Is Wa more lmportnnt than tho mixing. Ejj When any cake Is put In, the oven 11 fhould be fairly hot to start with, i II ind a regular hoat should be main- jl lained until it Is cooked through. fH The usUal mothod of young cooks $ lM Is to bake their cakes nice, and HI brown outside, but to omit to cook jH (hem through; and r cako that is' m. JH poppy or atlcky In tho centro Is ' - most unploasnni to the tasto as well m as being very unwholesome. Whan , you think your cako is sufficient- . W ly cooked, take a perfectly clean m bright skewer or knitting needle, K Insert It in the centre of the cake. . M '. and drnw It out slowly, if it Is i , M clean and bright tho enke Is done. T m but if It Is atlcky the cako neodi j' M moro cooking. M V' A good window Avrdse can bo , H made by splitting a clothes pag In ' . K . hn-lf. If windows stick, rub a llltlo 't.H mtlted lard on tho sashcord nnd j! yj between lho f ramcand The casing. m " |