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Show uu Anyone can make good biscuits bis-cuits if they use Holley's Self-Rising Self-Rising Flour. Sold by all lead-I lead-I ing grocers. H Your Mother made you take it ev-H ev-H cry Spring Hollistcr's Rocky Moun- H tain Tea, the reliable Spring Cleanser , fiz-ik. A. R. Mclntyro Drug Co. H Advertisement. Qgainime H Tablets" BBBBBBBBU !A gQOk TO TRADe . t I Now for the After-!Laster j I Tomorrow morning at nine, the After Easter Sale of j L F Millinery begins. This sale is, of course, the most $ I important of the yearimportant first, because it j JH jj is the time of the year when a fresh hat is most jj I wanted; important, because that at this time of the 2 ! year the millinery stocks are so wonderfully complete. 5 h 1 This is the plan: The entire stock will be offered. All jj A of the handsome spring hats that have come to us J H I within the past few weeks; any hat in the assortment ' E9 ? you may have now at the After Easter reductions. ! B All hats will be reduced according to this schedule: 5 M"f $5Hats Z75 SlOHats 1 areall....,,.,.-73 ' areall....- $-0 j B ! $15 Hats ell 5c $20 Hats Ul C ! I f areall....:...J-I- areafl : j 1 1 iH Terrible Tortures From H Itching Skin Diseases H No Sure Relief Until the Cause Is Removed. "When the blood becomes infested in-fested with millions of tiny disease dis-ease germs that attack tho skin, then tho fiery irritation and intense in-tense itching will remain with you until these germs are removed ' from the blood. Genuine relief therefore, can only be expected from a treatment that goes right to the seat of the Have Pains? Ache and pains seem to be the lot of tho ordinary mortal. However, theie thould be taken limply at nature's warning signals that some part of the human machine is out of order. It is a mistake to resign one's self to physical torture when the cause can be removed. (one up weak, inactive, sluggish kidneys kid-neys and help rid the blood of poison ess waste matter that causes aches and pains In arms and legs, backache, rheumatic rheu-matic pains, sore muscles, stiff ct swollen joints. Isaac B. Turnnura. Atbury Park, N.J..writ "My back cam cd mo a treat deal of trtrublo far sometime I experienced sharp, t hooting pains which wcro due lo tho condition of my kidneys. One botUe of Foloy Kidney Pills completely relieved me. The pains left my back. I recoa. deed Foley Kidney Fills io my trieads." Sold Everywhere. STOP UMi HM Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You Nevermind how often you have tried endfalled, youcanstopburningitching eczema quickly by applying Zcmo , furnished byanydruggist:or35c Extra large bottle, 1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always useZemo, tho penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It Is not agreasy sal ve and it does not stain. When ' others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skintroublesof all kinds. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. 1; Would You Gain a Pound ;l !; A Week for Threo Months7 Then botdn taking regularly three grain hpyo-nuclann tablets, which are made from a health-Rorni of ordinary yeast ami combined with hypophosphltcs and an absorptive ab-sorptive phosphorous. Fbyalclana und chemists assert that this tablet is very largely used for In-! creasing the weight nnd Improving the norvous system because of Ita aid to digestion, di-gestion, assimilation and absorption. The rood elements which go to make blood and solid tissue Is rotalned when this treatment la regularly used for several months. Most apothecary shops suppb thorn In scaled packngea. Advertisement. trouble, and strikes at its cause Such a remedy is S. S. S., the re- , liable old blood purifier that kills i the germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood , coursing through the veins. fl S. S. S. has been used success- H fully in some of tho worst cases of eczema and other skin elisor- iB ders. For valuable literature write to . IH Medical Adviser, 108 Swift Labo- VM ratory, Atlanta, Ga, How To Beautify I Your Complexion H By VIOLA DANA rJ B That sensational actress. Viola Dana, who Is recognized as an authority on BJs beauty topics says "The best and quick- (est method of obtaining a beautiful rosv- i 1 mRh' .white complexion Is to thoroughly cleanse ' the face night and morning, then apply I that popular beautlfier. Derwlllo. which IB ' (has become a regular fad with over fivo WL" hundred thousand discriminating girls and R. women In the United States." vDerwillo Kim takes the place of face powder as It is moro lifo-llko In appearance. Its uso can- not be detected and (t stays on until you wash It off. Perspiration docs not affect it. nor will It rub off on clothing, and tho wonderful sale It has had provos that ' KJ It Is superior to all other beautlflors and face powders. There Is nothing like it for dark, sallow skin, freckles, tan. coarse pores, wrinkles and many other facial blemishes. It is guaranteed absolutely harmless and sold at toilet counters ev- orywhere with the understanding that II you don't like it they will give vou back ll ' your monoy. Be sure to read the large IH article by Miss Dana soon to appear In this paper. It glvos a world of valuable Information on the care of the skin, some- thing every girl and woman should know VM about. In the meantime got Derwlllo and JM try it toda You will be astonished at tho quick results is gives,, Advertisement, Heiiralgici Pains I Glva Way to Soothing Hamlin'' . ) Wizard Oil ' Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and I IH 'effective treatment for headache and IH neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured I lH nerves and almost invariably brings, quick relief. liVR Its healing antiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent in-fection, in-fection, or other serious results, from I Rt sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and i ' K 'stings. Just as good, too, for sore ' feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. ) Get it from druggists for 30 cents. IH If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head-ache? head-ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, i H , pleasant littlo pink pills, 30 cents. H ; Guaranteed. ' H ASTHMA Jtek There is no "cure" H but relief is often ftwfff: aaaaaaV brought by J&fMy laaaaaafl YICKS VAPORUlit aH |