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Show NAME GOODKUM TOO SUGGESTIVE: CHANGES IT (International News Service) Boston, April C. On the ground that their family namo Is suggcatlvu of intoxicating liquor, which, they declare de-clare Is annoying and not consistent with their personal tastes, Frank L Goodrum, his wifo, Imogene, and two children, Harold L., aged six yjars. and Marjorie, three years old, portioned por-tioned in the Norfolk probate court that their name be changed to Goou-win. Goou-win. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrum stato they desiro the change because the nam Goodrum Is distasteful and humiliating humiliat-ing to the.m in their business and social so-cial relations. The plea of tho chldren differs from that of their elders in that they say that the name would bo troublesome trouble-some to them In both their business and social careers in later years. o .' |