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Show !;' S. . FOR SALE j jjlp Real Estate j; I . BF PGR sai.k is po vti:m.o valley. I BJ,: ' Th little cratMf) o' il- rt. whr 4 U jB" d IwwnH of Turk htt pr 1 i H aero I rmnmon. I hr 3M nrrt farm tor , Rm tl ml SZS r rr. alt tenrl. Iaiprov- i if BKtt- moiiu: f-t BTCfiu Pfour room ltou worth....... i BDHiiid rfAtern M r! Bli& Wagon and water Unk 10 l BJmi - On l Ttnrrews . Bfr th Ow wagon Kr On? Almost nw Jotut Itcrft w-wy JBm t plow , ; loo Kl4'(( On iwwr dirk pfcnv M Bft s- On hand plow ... IS ; Hf) I Alto five work ltor. cadi Ill J Ht2 IfwrrMM for ftrt 1tm ! '! This farm hs 75 arm la TuriwfMuJSi .;. Kl ir wheat, about 3S aera to wmwr fallow. 1 f Be f'o 136 njcrea to brak. 19 acre cut for liay. i JT balance In pasture. 1 Bp 1 i Thl farm and all rn he feovirtit B TM JSMO. tt00 down. JC4O0 at ( par wtl In- 1,1 iB err teroM. and hnlf of the crop ralard on Lb i li BJ pCp to h paid each year on th prlrw-i; prlrw-i; IB xC until tiatd In full, and In case of crop He ,i failure you pay only th Internal. Thla W .' - ' fnrui Ln a bargain. It produced laat var ! ra U00 buniiAJa of .No. 1 Rd whwit and thin AjZL year protprts are much batlar. Don't . 11 o miaa thl bargain. If intaraatod writ K 1 fig I J. Norman. Paradla. Itah. HI ' IB f THRICE room houa. Itiono 171W. 164 I IB TWO olght room brick houaea on Twcn- ' IB 9 tr-aocond and Reovc avenue, alao corner , ' lot UCxtU fect. by owner. I'hone J W I PIVI5 room modem brick, corner, clota In ' fti. on bench .and cur line. U basement and m-l CTTrtKc. All wln1ow hadefl and electric , fixtures. A poalllve nap a t 4ftA0. B lllcht room modern frame, rloae In on m bonch and car line. It (0x132; will re-I re-I B uoft 10 caan; ptH(l tnn on hlnce- ( B Five room fully modern brick bn: K low, Jin rd wood floora and bordtra: tllem B1 bath room, brick . iul Bluxwl in ?' I,n? 1 K porch, all built-in feature. hada arwl B electric flxtureii, full Imaemant. furnac B heat, comontod driveway, ciobc to oar B ,,n nnd school: ono of the neatest ana B) ht homed In Osdon. cnah, torm on jH bJilanco. $7000. , , , B acrea land, 6 room hotuu. chicken 1 K houao. hot hotiao, 2 lowing ivoll. B acre nanture. lU nrre alfalfa. Mune B amftll fnilt. bnlanco boM tomato and bi B hind: within Z mllos of city. caah. K terms on balance. S 00 acres land, 60 acroa under cultlya- M Uon, unnll houna and cellar. prlm; 9 water. 12 acroa wheat. & acrea alfalfa, bal- m nnacf; rain and pature lnnd. Clofa to B OKdon on mnln rond; Vz Caah, tarma on bshinca, Only 570O. Call at offlco. I i J. A. elcCn-T.OCH, 1 Undar Plrat Natl. Bank 82' I IIANDSO.MK NKW MODERN HOME. xt of tlx rooma: nil hnrdwood floor, ffum L, ff nnd onamol finish; buffet kitchen, broak- fnjit nlcovo; mftntol and book caea, rur- f". . nnco hont: cement baneniont. all paru- I'J tloned off; tho clnMlcst homo of Us lze 1 In, city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth. SWANER 1 P"our room frame house on bdnc,1',,rn ' I wall located ...... J3500 i I 3 Seven room frame home on bench, If upper Twonty-fourlh j j Six room modern brick residence on ' J bonch 50000 ' f" Twolvo roon) doublo brick house on r 1 bench .IT8500 Ten room double brick house, strictly strict-ly modern 9000 KELLY & JIERRlCIv 4o , ! BEAUTIFLT, lot with large raspberry i 1 , pAtclf nnd young bcjLrlnt; fruit tree. 53r, Chcotcr. , i 1 HAVE aoveral very desirable modern . homes for pale nt roasonnble nriooa. , Would like lo have you call and sec i , . UlA?so one of the best farms in Weber , county, suitable for growing- any kind or I crops. . , K ' A 1-arce orchard, good house, barn and lv pnrage. good water tighU. ptirost spring !,,. ' water on Pml.M.piERCB I Room 502 Ecclea Phone42g j ' ' FIVE room modern now frame, south part j -( of city, on paved street. $3S00. rhono i ) 225-W or 2212. ' MODERN four room frame bungalow with )g' glass In sleeping porch. 22&A ncolr. r 7W avonuo. lili , i l nt ACRICS land with water right: four !l room frame house In.ood condition loi quick sale will sacrifice $200. 192 AVcst , ' Twentieth aftor I p. m. J ,1 SIXTEEN acres on Twelfth street, with , ,1 COod five room houce. Six acres In fruit. ' j water right for half of tho hind. $5000. ' i Terms to BUlt. Will consider a trade for 1 residence. J J. Brummltt. 2417 Hudson '' , avenue. J141 1 k POR CASH, large corner lot close in on bench Two largo frame houses on lot: t I $4700.' Phono 2746-R- , CHOICE building lots on North ashlng-: ashlng-: ton: nowly paved street: we furnish mon- . e to btilld. Also choice ebeap lots, close to paved streets; cany terms:' no paving lr tax W. B. Wcdoll, 2I6S Washington li t ' 1 Nll'TY four room modem brick homo on I' the bonch. at a. bargain. Tlios. Aitld. un-I un-I der First National Hank. Phone 301. 37G3 If B'JRLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS e . WE havo a '.argo list of Irrigated farmB !? for salo or trade. Write or see U'ONEb ' GR15W0LD JNV. CO.. Uurley. Iduho, . Jr-15 f? li 156 ACHES of farm land nuar Promoil-IH Promoil-IH lory, fully eoulppod with stock nnd too'. I Residence, stable, spring for domestic uae I und early Wator for Irrigation. This ( would rnuko u choleo grain farm. Can tnko a home In Ogdon as part payment. 54750. W. 13. WudelL 24C8 Wash Avo . EIGHT beautiful building lots. rer of U i f50 Twenty-second street. Call 3123-R. 1 I Residences 2CGS Monroe. 38S9 B f UV Ow NER Five-room brick boma; i f J modorn except heat, excellent location: I LaB i call at 2S11 Adams Ae. Phone :240-M. ; B tf r'- B I WE SELLI and exebangu fartitd. B 1 ranches, houncs and clti' proporty. tic B 0 1,3 before vou sell or buy. Smith & B fl Flinders Co., up stairs, Commercial ban. , I 2057 1 H H IT WILL pay you to see us nnout good i iaiaB 9 farms, loans, city residences and lots. B H Phono 1S7G. Porter Realty Co. 2574 LUBB m Washington Ave, Rascmcnt. List with B ua. 1031 El stx-room hricK nouxe. 2 l-x uiockm from B .w.' Wash, on bench, with chicken run and H garappu. Snap ut $2S50. Terms at No. 411 T 2 ?A1h pt.roer. 23K4 i H MODERN homo; canaries, rabbits, rhono' ' 1 BY OWNER Small bungalow, full basc- B rncnt. large lot, part cash, easy terms on B as balance. A bargain: am leaving town. H t i J. U. Brown, corner Grapt and Franklin ' B f I BY OWNER Five room modern house. Hi 1 2'i25 Harrison. Phone 247-J, 73 , Q BV OWNER Partly modern home of five B fa largo rooms, closets, pantry, scrooned ! bUBBI if porch, large lot. fruit trees and flowers. I Ifl Call 1339 Capitol Avenue. 71 1 m APARTMENT house for sole. Ono of the ' B EH noatest nnd lH'st built apartment house 1 LBBfl Hw fn Ogdcn. If you have $6000 and menn i B IB business. See Tlios. Auld, under First B J National bank. OS i rjl STOCK RANCH B m 6 ncrcfl grain and alfalfa land, under B 191 Irrigation. In northeastern Utah. Small LBBB rw house, store building, domestic -water, on LBBB SD state hlghwny. 100 head of cattle. 12 B B horses, all kinds of machinery to run the B B p!aco Inudud. Owner of ranch Is In thin ' B B f ,," nr)d oh account of ill health will anc- BBaBaaafl MS rlfice. Price $30,000. Half cash. Will take B IM ff'fflfl clear Ogden property In trade. Thos. B B Auld. under First National Bank. 89 M FARMS B H norcs Kood farm land, will sell in B B 20 ncre tracts, excellent fruit land and W ! B good for tomatoes, etc., an opportunity lo BBSBSBaB k B KA a Kd farm close to Ogden at a very B 1 reasonable price. $150 per acre, will aoil BaaaaaaB i sufficient water to Irrigate same. B ' m Three ncrex excellent soil, small orch- B ' 1 Eii- ard" houee. stable, etc.. closo lo car line LaaaaaaB J ! Tk Eight acres of good soil, excellent to- B i K malo land, house, stable, chicken hoaie. m m tc. 2 sharos water Davis and Webor BBsflaB It m canal. 1 ' 1 W SMITH c FLINDERS CO H ( v. Upstairs, Commercial National Hank H The prons-hornod antclopo is foui.uj ; FOR SALE Real Estate jj ........??M"V-ej J 13-KOOXf inorfrm bo.ie. fun hmnt. Z larare uteeptns; pop firf. a partmenia: lao 7 -room hrirk hoitae with barn, or-(hard or-(hard and gmnitm adjomlns. on bench. 'Term reasonable. Inquire Monroe : Ave, 3-7-lmo . la-ROOM modern brick with 3 -room apartment, on eneh, paved street nd , er line, fhon- U-J. 3-21 -8w 1 1-ACRE, ft -room modern houee. chtckrn . supply, mixed fruit. Phone 2ft-W. ' a-21 lmo ! J-ROOW modern: frtmiture. piano. See owner. S2l 5nd street. I "hone 323. j 3-21-1 mo 'S-ROOM modern brlrk btinsjalow. hard-jwood hard-jwood fteora. fireplace and all modern conveniences con-veniences Thl house l only a half block 'from car line on bench. If you are lookina: 'for a real rosy home, call 31Q-R. 3-13-tf 'FINK bulldlnr lot on Adams; 17 1-2 feet by 170 feet to alley: will sell this lot for ' $350: i-aeh or torn to suit. If Interested In a gnod buy, call 3K9-R. '-n-lf HOMES, fanne. ranchea and loan. Let us show you. Ofdeti R E. A Hide. Co . 243 Waahlna-ton Ave. lhone 78; under Postal T-krrar'h Co. STOPI LOOKI CONSIDERI WllES lwylng or aelllnic property, call on VY L, Porter Really Co.. baaentent f74 i Washington Ave. Phone 17. 3--lmQ j O. K. M. REALTY ' 2375 Hudson Avenue Plione 107 i (i acre farm. tS acres dsvs ui re, M acro I good iand. wa.tr from the Davls-N bor 100 acrea m Uberly. Ogden valley. W acrea under cultivation, cash and terrna. i 20 sere farm about ten mllea from city. $3700: part cash and I ha balance on j easy terms. , , B0 acre pasture. $2500; small paymv.it down, balance nt a low rate of Interest. 7 ?cres In town, a good up to date mod- i ern house, chicken runs for 3000 chickens, all kinds of fruit. m , , , ! A modern 5 room brick house, 2 blocks from Washington on the bonch. $4500. I Cash and torms. . , , , , ' J00 acre farm In Idaho. Irrigated land. 100 shares of water right. $11,000. $3000 cash and the balance at S per cent, rime five years. ' . 1 have many other good bargains in city property and farms. Call nnd sec. MRS. NETTIE ECCLES O. E. M. REALTY 2375 Hudson Avenue Phone 1037 . GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. iJC 24th RL Phono 110 . 4-Room Modern. Enclosed sleeping porch, cemont basc-monl. basc-monl. mantle, built-in features, barn. cbl?keii coops, lot 50 frontage. In south psrt of town. $2500.00; terms. 4Room Modern Brick , Bungalow, practically new. fireplace, built-in bookcases, lot 40x132 foot. In good location. $3C00.0O; easy terms. 6-Room Modern Brick Close In. on south Washington Ave.. 3 bedrooms, den, full Iwisemcnt. has gas rlped up stairs and down, good lot and chicken coops. House has cast frontage front-age $A't00.M): terms. One Acre Peach Orchard. Has variety of other fruits and five- I room modern pressed -brick bungalow, good water system. 1-2 mile from the city. $4500,00; terms. 5 Room New Bunnnlovv. Located on tho bench, has enclosed sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors, gum-wood finish, built-in features, ga--n ... irtt j'Ty-hi; roof, tf.Kfin flfl - terms GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. 416 24th St. Phone 115 4002 GROCERY store with four rooms, modern mod-ern resldonce, on bench. Phone 945-W fil THESE ARE REAL 3ARGAINS 1 22 ACRE beet, hay and general farm: must bo sold quickly and one of the host small farms In county. 12 acres best lond. 10 acres pasture: excellent Improvements; I 100 shares water. Price $S0OO. I Eight acres of fruit and berries. 11 shares water; four room house, barn, nheds. etc ; best buy in Ogden. Will subdivide sub-divide into 40 large lots. Price for nulckj sale. $0000. One-half cash, balanco 7 per cent. Five, room modern brick bungalow on bancli. closo In. cement basement, largo closets, sleeping porch, kitchen cabinet, all Improvements paid, choice location. Prico S4GS0. $2000 cash, $25 per month. R G Agee. or Alfred E. Stratford, basement" base-ment" Broom hotel. Phone CO-2304-J. 3S03- 7 ROOMS house close in. $3000. Can make terms. . . 7 ROOM apartment house. $So0. 14 ROOM appartment house on tho bonch lot 72x150. $6500. 5 ROOM modern brick bungalow and 5 room frame in rear. Lot 57x250. So200. Can make terms. FOR RENT 13 acres good sugar beet land with 4 room house and barn, for one year. V, mile from city. Immediate possession. pos-session. W. P. Long-. 2770 Washington. Phono 431-M n31 WANTED I To Buy 1 HAVE cash customers for 4 and D-room modern homes. Price must be right. Thos. Auld. under First National Bank. Phone 301. S-31-lw WE hnvo cash customers for desirable !clty and farm lands. List your property with reliable people. Kellcy & Hcrrlck. j 2-G-tf WILL buy from owner, four or five room j bouse. Address 2613 Monroe. 15o ! SECOND-HAND wicker baby buggy In good condition. Phone 31 S 1. 110 1 : FRESH milk cow; hogs, veal and poultry. Will come to your yard to buy. Phono 1 2597-R Peart Bros.. 3421 Adams avenue. j Ogden.' Ttah. 38G7 I WE BUY all cars, regardless of condl-tlou. condl-tlou. Auto Salvago .o.. 234S Giant Aye. 1 3197 I CLEaN rabfl wunted at tho Standard office. ATTENTION I IF YOlT havf one cow or car load of cattle cat-tle or stock pigs for sale, 1 will drive out. ' try and buy them. Call 2100 evenln&s or i 701 dav time. C. A. Lundmiiat. 3GC3 WANTED Salesmen IF YOU are ambitious and have tho ability abil-ity to sell goods, sen Mr. Holland at Glen Bros. -Roberta Piano Co. Only a man with automobile need apply4 This Iri ab-1 kOlulely the best opportunity any young i man ever had for advancement. Salary and commission and steady positions to right party. 4145 WANTED I Situations GENERAL housccleaning. Phone 101G-J. 5S EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po-sitton. po-sitton. Phone 2592-N-J. CO HOUSEKEEPING b elderly lady for widower Bent of references given. Ap- ply E. T., 43S Herriclt Ave. 4114 WASHING, also blankets and curtains. Phone 29-R-4. 4117 , Board and Room j , BOARD and room. 2021 Washington avo-nue. avo-nue. 3 foFrent I I Unfurnished ONE unfurnished and one furnished modern mod-ern apartment, 329 26th St. Phone 2375. ) 4-1-lw 'TWO unfurnished rooms, lights, water and gas, $ per month, 636 31st St. 3-30-lw ;FOrU rooms, furnace healed, with batli. 2GS5 Wall. 54 'THREE-ROOM house, good location, near j car. Phone 29-J-4 4105 TWO room apartment, $25; threo room apartment. $35; hot wator. private bath, steam. Phone lOHS-J. 3591 . GOOD houao lor rent. J. J, Brummltt. I Phono 59. 3S10 i I With tho coniiiiK of Lent the man who swore off the first of the yeur can 'catch Ills second wind. "P WANTED J Female Help J KITCHEN onun nu-t at lh- Virg-nia liot. I, 4-1-lw . WANTED r.vprtenred girl or omn i for general houaework: two In family; good wagea. Phone mortitng 725. 3-27-1 f I EXPERIKNCKD and lnperlnced help. I $10 r, in JJ eo ner week: S hours per day. I n'lon Pacific Railroad laundry. 6-21 -tf .1. A. IICmJLK A CO. pay highest prices in fgden for Liberty Bonus. Ol MHERMAID at Reed Hotel. lis ' Sti gtri ror house worH. Must go 'home nights. Phone 31I-R. 2U Hud-' Hud-' ann. 11 KXPERIENi'KI randy girl wanted. Or phemn Pnd Co. jj LADY housekeeper by man with children. chil-dren. In country. Address Box 33. cate ' ytandani. H GIRL wanted at Greenwell Confectionery. ; 101 'WRITE photoplays. $2-$.10O pnld an -one for suitable ideas. Experience unnec-nary; unnec-nary; complete outline free. Producers League. 691. St. I,oul. Mo. 90 ! GOOD girl wanted for general housework; food wages; small family. Phone 1479-J. 404 Madison . S lOSITION as chambermaid; colorwl. Phone 232. 5jj I JANITRESS to clean office rooms four days. Apply C21 Ecclea Buldg. 59 i AN experienced girl for housework, 432 ' 37th atreeL Phone 390. 409S i EXPERIENCED salesladies to sell phono- graphs: good eastern line, good commission. commis-sion. CmM 411 Twenty-third street, be- twecn 1 and 12 a. m. 3941 FMTLlvaThTng-wanted Phone 2015-M 2015-M 30S DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to ADplv thomselvea. See Madam Cai lau. Third floor. Wright's Store 0242 GIRLS wanted to sew on ovcrailH. Ve pay whilo you learn. Only those vho want steady Jobs need apply. Scnw-croft Scnw-croft Manufacturing Co. SOU WANTED Male Help J A YOfNG man. over 24 years of age, to sell our 7 pet cent savings; good salary and excellent opportunity for advancement. advance-ment. Apply to J. H. Andrews, secretary, the Guarantee Mortgago Company, 41G 2Uh St. MEN Age under 55: experience unnecessary. unnec-essary. Travel! make secret Investigation, Investiga-tion, reports. Salaries: expenses. Write American Foreign Detective Agency. G41 St. Louis. 4-4-lt i.EARN actual auto repair, vulcanzlng. Los Angvles Y. M.C. A. Auto School. 11-1-lmo BOY for all day or afternoon work. Buch-mlllor-Kaplan Co. 170 RAILWAY mall clerks, $110 month. Experience Ex-perience unnecessary. Young men, 17 upward, up-ward, desiring clerkships, write for free particulars. J. Leonard (former civil service examiner) 897 EquiUiblo Bldg.. Washington. D. C. 92 DELIVERY boy wanted. Farley Grocery. PhOnc 1G2G. 2G02 Washington. 14 EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell phonographs phono-graphs on commission basis; good proposition propo-sition in rleht nrirtlex Annlv -111 'Pwentv- i third street between 10 and 11 a. m. 3912 CAPABLE and experienced man to handle han-dle salesmen selling on commission: cood proposition for right man. Address P. O. Box 9S. 3943 FARM hand who understands care of orchard or-chard and handling of fruit. XV. B. Wc-doll. Wc-doll. 24CS Washington Avenue. 3S20 FORWENT Furnished j ONE large front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Call 3021 Grant Ave. or j phone 1223-R. 3-30-lw NICE sleeping room, close In. Call morn-lngs morn-lngs or evenings. 45S 21th St. 3-30-lw TWO housekeeping rooms. 2632 Monroe avenue. Phone 32G1-J, 173 ONE or two housekeeping apartments. $20 uud $30 per month. 25G3 Grant. Phono 12G5-J. 161 ROOM, suitbablc for two gentlemen. 2G0G Adams. Phone 91 or 310o-R. 152 TWO housekeeping apartments. Two rooms, reasonable rent. 2252';. Ill FCRNISHED room far gentleman. 2520 Jefferson nvenuo. S3 FRONT room in private homo for one or two gentlemen. Heat, bath, rhone 411 Ilerrlck (Binford) avenue. Phono 2001-J. 77 Fl'RNlSHED room. 343 Twenty-eighth. Phono 13H2-W. 78 FURNISHED apartment. 2571 Lincoln. 8 NICE front sleeping? room for ono or two gentlemen. 2G48 Adams. 13 MODERN eight room, well furnished home. Address P. O, Box G94, with ref-erence. ref-erence. 4138 NICELY furnished front room, light, heat, bath and phone. 573 Twenty-fourth St. 413G MODERN room for gentleman, closo in $3.50 per week. References. 2341 Adams ! Ava. ' 4102 (MODERN furnished rooms; moderate I prices, two minutes from postofflce, 244G Grant Ave. 4101 FURNISHED sleeping room In private I family on car line. 941 23rd street. 4111 ! TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 2S18 I Wash. 4116 LARGE front room at C12 24th street. 4115 I FL'RNITL'RE and stoves for sale. 317 I 30th St. 4057 ! MODERN sleeping rooms. 333 24 St. 4029 SLEEPING room for gentleman. Phone 900-W. 1G5 Twenty-third. 3795 Fl'RNlSHED front room. 530 Twenty-thlrd Twenty-thlrd street. Phone 21S0-M, 3900 24 IG Grant Avenue Phono 3050 Modem furnished rooms. Weekly rates. 371S j ROOMS for gentlemen. Phono 1880. i 3716 foOale j Poujtryand Eggs l HAVE on hand Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds and Brown Leghorns. If you want baby chicks order at once from R, A. Soager, phone 2852-J or call at 3137 Jcf-ferson Jcf-ferson after G:30. EGGS for hatching. Pure bred Black Minorca Mi-norca and Rhode Island Red. C39 Scv-enth Scv-enth street. Phono 2135-M. 7 RHODE Island Reds and Shepard's strain Ancona. cess. $1.50 setting. Phone 357-M. 3934 REDS and White Leghorn eggs for hatching: hatch-ing: also breeding stock. Call Bramwoll. 1410-.T. 3922 'HATCHING eggs from heavy laying White, Leghorns, $1.50 per 15; $9.00 per 100. Phone 2124-R. 3910 EGGS R I. Reds. B. and W. Rocks, Blk. I Mln., W. 13, and Buff Leghorns, Anconas. 1 Light Brahmas. Cornish Games, W. and Silver Laced Wyandoltes. turkey, duck 1 and gooso eggs. See Us for baby chicks i and live poultry. Ak us about It. 1 WESTERN GRAIN & FEED CO. 1 3G2J JI. E. Palmer. 1 FOR No. 1 baby chicks; also Winford ciectrlc hovors. Phono Astill, 6G9-1545-::. 34S4 Al'TO SALVAGE CO. We pay cash for used cars. 284R Grant Ave. 3-9-lmo i BABY CHICKS ELECTRIC HATCHERY 25.000 Hatching Weekly Vlgorou.8, pure blood stock. Special attention at-tention lo mall ordors; wife delivory GUARANTEED. Anconn. Barred Rocks, i Rhode Island Rods Minorca. Brown. Buff J MaeFurlRne Strain Whito Leghorns. Hatching Egga. Write for prices. PEERLESS GG EGG HATCHER Simple, automatic; $8.75. Express paid. 1 D. E. DOKE (Baby chicks since 190S) j 32S South Spring St., Los Angeles. Calif. , HATCHING eggs. S. C. W. Leghorns. S. C. R. I. Ruda. Bred to lay. R. W. Arm-strong. Arm-strong. North Ogden. Phone G-U. 3-2S-3W SEVERAL settings bronze turkey eggs. Phone 1243. Western Grain & Feed Co.. 2364 Washington Ave. 3-22-tt It3 easy to convince a superstitious man that finding a dollar Is luckier than finding a horseshoe. . I FOR SALE ( Miscellaneous J ; GROCERY .tok and fixtures for aale. I Phon- 3"2. 3-31 -lw 1 6 ROOMS and bath, full Iwsennt. frame house. 3S0S Jefferron Ave. $2750 Caah pay men I. terrna on balance. Inquire Vol-ker Vol-ker Lumber Co. t-3-tf IIALKE BRUNSWICK pool table. 3-4 slxe. In good condition; nearly new. Will sacrifice for cash. Box L. C., care Stand-ard-Examiner. 1-13-tf .FOR SALE By owner. 4-room house, can make two more rooms upetralrs; iart cash. See Mr. Fox. Union Depot luggage room. 3-1-lmo ONE ten-mom modern frame, basement snd sleeping porches. Close In. on paved latr.et. $7000. inqulie of J. W. 1. Yolker. I53 27th St. 9-17-tf HIGHEST prices paW for second hand goods. Stowe's Second Hand Store. 1S00 Washington Ave. Phone 5-2-tf FIRST class sheep camp equipped with j drawers and bins, stove cupboard and i elevated bunk, and new running gear, also :good set of work harness. Apply to Beck- stead Brothers. Huntaville. Utah. 176 ONE span of mares. 7 years old, NeiKht 1 1700 each. Call 1902 Jackson. Phone 1 1165-J. Price $160. 167 .SIDEBOARD, dresser, hard coal burner. carpet. 3015 Porter avenue. 175 Pruett hodge $6 per 100. Fruit and shade i trees. Utah Nursery Co., Phone 3350-W. ! 1G2 ONE small team, weight 1000 pounds each. one large team, weight 1350 each; one 'Fordson tractor, one plow, one disk cultl-Vator, cultl-Vator, one wagon, one set harness. Call Wright-Whlttler Co., Thirt -third and Pa-cific Pa-cific avenue. 1-1S , FURNITURE to furnish four rooms, Call 2P7I Adams. jn I ALMOST new bod, dresser, rockors, etc, ( Phone 2942-M. G3o Twenty-third. llo WHITE Mammoth Pekln duck eggs or hatching. Phone 2751-W. 110 SIX room house and bath, with four lots, $500 modern hen house, garage, etc., $000. Inquire of owner, 544 Washington avenue 112 AN A-l mercantile business in a good live town not far from Ogden City. S.tock of good clean merchandise, fixtures, etc.. at a reasonable prico; long lease on store building, dwelling, warehouse, etc.. at a low prico. This business Is now paying" a salnry of $600 per month to three parties par-ties and a dividend in addition. This proposition prop-osition is well worth your consideration. SMITH & FLINDERS Upstairs, Commercial National Bank. 103 BABY bod and mattress for sale. Phone 912-J. 7G HOUSEHOLD goods, refrigerator, feather bed. fruit Jars, and other articles. Call at 2231 Qulncy avenue, St Singer Sewing Machine. I JUST ARRIVED Latest models can he purchased or rented for $3.00 a month. NeedlcH oil nnd repairs for all makes, i Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 233S Wash-. Wash-. ington Ave. Phono 24. 4113 J WHILE they last. "Horrors of War." 75c. New 5-ply rubber hose, 15c. Phone 333. I 47 ! MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. J HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle ln per- I feet condition. Call 2042 Qulncy avenue. 414S WICKER baby carriage. Phone 327-J. 1o24 Grant. 4137 SEED potatoes for sale. Farley's Grocery Gro-cery Store. 2602 Washington. Phone 1G26. 22 CHICKEN and duck eggs for setting: Call after 1 p. m. 2156 Pacific avenue. 4130 STUDEBAKER light spring wagon, half pilc, $05. Guitar and caso. $6; piano stool $1.50. 5t0 7th street. 4103 BUFFET, table, chairs, carpet, library lable and a piano. Phone 904-J. 2843 Adams. Ad-ams. 4110 FURNITURE for sale. 2064 Jefferson. 4123 THREE nearly new child's beds and high . chair. Corey Apt.s.. No. 19. 1096 NEARLY new Universal Combination gas and coal range, at a bargain, 2510 Wash. Ave.. Ogdcn. Utah. 4095 I FOR SALE My fine phonograph, large size. $65: must bo sold today. Call Mr SorenscnK Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3972 FOR SALE My fino phonograph, large size. $65; must be sold today. Call Mr. Sorensen. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3972 GOOD concrete steam mixer, cheap. 433 Cross street. 3869 FINE grocery stock and lease, well locat-I locat-I ed on Washington avenue. Kelly & Hcr-I Hcr-I rick. 3778 LATE 1919 twin Harley Davidson motorcycle motor-cycle with side car. In perfect condition. Alao twin Excelsior for $100. .See circula- ; Hon manager, Ogdcn Standard. 3776 ONE-HALF PRICE. John Deere double disc sulkcy plow, used only one season. Ono Solid Comfort single plow sulkcy. Ono Jump seat surrey. One umbrella top buggy. Ono top grocery delivery wagon One light road carl, ull In good con-1 con-1 ditlon and nowly painted. Also other second hand goods, lVERSON'S SECONDHAND STORE, 1610 Washington Ave. 35SS SECOND hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Ivcrson, 1G10 Washington avenun PhorrTj 49. 3538 FEMALES and guaranteed singers. Como hear thorn sing. 2220 Lincoln. 2243 I SEVERAL sots of new work harness. Og-den Og-den Horse Sale & Commission Co. 3103 1000 eharos of Capital Potroleum at 23c; a dividend paying stock. Phone 307G 3037 SINER'S Trunk and Furniture Stores. New and second hand goods bought and sold and exchanged; highest prices paid 'for second hand furniture; high grade. ' trunks and suitcases our specialty. 241- ; i 255 Twenty-fifth. Phone 1321. 2976 1 i UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big j . reduction, Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth St. Phone 419. 2137 ! BUSINESS ji Opportunities ! GROCERY store with four room modern residence. On bench. Phone OlB-W. 52 CASH and carry grocery; living npart-rientH npart-rientH upstairs. Owner leaving town. Three year lease. Will nell nt Invoice pilcc. G30 Twenty-first 'street. Phone 983-W. 105 FOREiNT j Miscellaneous FOR RENT A little store for tailor shop or office Reasonable rent, yor Informa-tlon. Informa-tlon. see Guaranty Mortgage Co. 3-30-tf OHIO vacuum cleaner. $1 per day. Plione 1 31 IS. . 12 1 STORAGE room for rent Call Asbosto-i Asbosto-i late Products Co., Phono 1416-W. 3G73 secondhand WE tako your old rango as flrat payment on any new rango. or will buy your old rango outright. Homo Furnlturo Co. 4672 LOST on "Washington street car between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-olghth. Saturday Satur-day evening, purse with Identification card. Please return nnd receive reward. Phone 240-J 165 SEVENTEEN Jewel Woltham watch and chain with pair of mounted elks teeth Reward. Phono 37. Globe Mills. 172 ONE red milk cow with halter on. Flnd-er Flnd-er plftiifo phone 1449.. 160 LADY'S silk waist partly made, on Thlr-tleth Thlr-tleth street between Jefferson and Wash-inglOn. Wash-inglOn. Phono 2150. 152 ON Tuesday two child's unfinished dress-en dress-en on Twenty-fifth street or Washington avenue. Phone 282S-W. 108 LADY'S pocketbook. Orphoum theater. Ellis and silver. Return to 3GS Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth street. Reward. 4145 BLACK Morocco prayer book on Friday. Reward. Phone 3259-W. S2 Tho Jaybirds of the old and new world are of entirely dIffero.nl ton-era. ton-era. ' ' i. .- ia ii rj - ... I FOR SALE Autos j AS E have the f. (oi equipment for repairing re-pairing m; rfV.-d. bent or twiatrd auto radtatoia. Se us ix-fore lvu Ing new one If It (aks, liave It madellke hew by the factory method. No plugging of tubes or , cella. no comiound used. Ogden Auto Radiator Coo.. 3529 Hudson Ave.. Ogden. , Utah. 3-lu-lmo MODEL N Hup. Inquire 2923 Warhlnc-ton. Warhlnc-ton. 17 OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2317 Hudson Avenue Telephone 4 GO Metx touting' car. $1S0. Stiidebnkcr touring car. $3100. Chalmers touring car. $4(0. Maxwell touring car. M7I. 149 FINE Ford truck. Cash $25. F. S. Perr. Q-U3. V. N. Bank. 113 -9Q Chevrolet. $600. Owner leaving town. Phone 14SS-M. SO j LUICK light six. late model, fine condition, condi-tion, looka and runs like new. Bu renin. F. N. Hess. 761 Twenty -fourth. Phone 1731. 74 191S Studebaker touring car In first class condition, for salo cheap. See owner at 2767 Grant. 21 BUICK roadster. 1917, four cylinder. In fine sliape. $650 cash, or will lake good Ford In trade. Phono 2001-J. 17 Chandler 191S touring. Chandler 1917 touring. Elcar 1917 touring. WILFONG-GLASMANN CO. 2254 Washington Phono 776 . -1132 FORD tractor. Inquire I. Mura. 105 Twenty-fifth street. 412S NEW 1920 Oakland touring car at ro-duccd ro-duccd price, or will trade. 670 22 street I 4112 1 TWO light FordB (express lodles); Maxwell Max-well touring $225: Haynes Chummy. Sav-agc Sav-agc Motor Co.. 2354 Hudson avenue. 4012 WONDERFUL car for sale, cheap. 2348 Grant 3333 WHY not buy an exchuugo car? Now la the time to buy. Two Fords. '14 and '16. Two Maxwells, '16 and 17. One Chalmors. 6-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO. 2333 Hudson Phono 143 . 3055 1 AUBURN Light Six. model 6-39. Fully equipped, new storage battery 4 cord and 2 fabric tires; Al condition. Just overhauled and repainted. New top of best quality. Phono 309 or 599. I HAVE a complete stock of guaranteed palnL I can sell you paint cheaper than any paint store in Ogden Come In and T will tell you why. Stowc'a New and Second Hand Store, 1S00 Washington Ave. 5-28-tf DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to apply themselves. See Madam Capiau. third floor Wright's store. 10-7-4mo DRESSMAKING and remodeling. 350 Thirty-first -13 HEMSTITCHING and .plcot edge; buttons and pinking and pleating. Second floor Wright's store. Mrs. H. Layman. 18 RELIABLE dressmaking, young ladies work a specialty. Call Plaza Apts., 320. Phone 220S. ! " I WANTED Agents ! AGENTS Got busy. We have the greatest great-est money maker on the market. House-Keepers House-Keepers buy on sight; 50.000 sold in 1919. Tyler Mfg. Co.. Det. D. 7. Muncie. Inci. 4-4-lt w225ted I 1 Miscellaneous i HIGHEST price paid for second hand furniture, stoves and ranges. Phono 248; 2219 Washington Ave, 3-lS-lmo HIGHEST cash prices paid for all kinds of household furniture. Newman Furniture Furni-ture Store. 23IS Washington Ave. Phono C3S. 3-9-lmo WE puv highest prices for old clothes. New York Clothing Store. 259 25th St. Phono 3336. 3-7-lmo ' CHICKENS, any quantity any time. Rus- sell-James Co.. 1S9 24th St. Phone 13b. FIVE acres, highly Improved, close In. Will trade for city property. The Walker ("p.. 623 Eccles Bldg. Phonell30. 3-12-tf BY owner, one 7-room brick house with i largo lot. chicken house and garage; , 2 1-2 blocks from Washington on 22nd St. Terms reasonable. Inquire 172S Washing- ton Ave. 3-30-lw j PLOW, scodor, new hose. Phone 333. 48 ONE-HALF acre ln peaches, nearly lou trees. $650. cash or terms, or will trade for good automobile. 411 24th St. 2335 40 ACRES logged off timber land; small house, shed. bam. near Westmond. Idaho. Will trade for property ln Ogdcn. Phone 2S18-J. 3-12-lnio WAOTED To Rent I 1 5 OR G-ROOM modern bungalow or fur-Inlshed fur-Inlshed or unfurnished apartment; no chll-ldrn; chll-ldrn; will take lease Is desired. J. H. IIoI-I IIoI-I Mater. Albera Bros Milling Co. 3-28-lw I ' sj-u--nsvr $JMONE 1 MONEY LOANED on gilt edged sccurl-! sccurl-! tics Thos. Auld. under First National S Bank. 124 I MONEY to loan on improved -'eal estate. Kelly & Herrlck. 779 I CARD and character reading. 419 Twen-j Twen-j t -sixth, 151 WANTED j ' Board and Room WANTED young lady to board and room; private family. Tolephono 3043. 159 ' ; n' Information Bureau 1.00 PER LINE PER MONTH V ACETYLENE WELDING iVgt Iron. rttel. Rrmui and Aluminum welded- Ogden Woldlng & Repair Co, Vhono 993-J. 2274 Washington Av. l-2-tf ANYTHING New or Old ANYTHING A to Z new or old, bought, nold or traded. Phono 333. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Rramwell Book and Statlonory. 2362 Washington Ave. Phono 3C0. 205S BANKING Utah Nntltonal Bank, .(toutheant corner Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phon.i CI. BUTTER. CREAM i. MILK DEALERS Butter. Kgga. Chse. Milk and Cronm. Economy Butler Shop. 2450 Washington Ave. I BOTTLING WORKS- ttah Bottling Work, manufacturers of high grade oda Trnter, elders, syrups, and all kinds of fountain supplies. 2512 Lincoln Lin-coln Ave. Phone 418. 3-B-3mo BICYCLES AND REPAIRING H. C. Hansen Co., blrycjoa. accoMorlcj", repairing. Yltallc Tlrea. 2463 Hudson Ave. BEAUTY SHOPS Boston Hair Drwudng Parlor?, Shampooing, Sham-pooing, hnirdrofling, manicuring, chirop- odyr hair work a upcclalty. Phone 107-J, !Rced Hotel Building. I COUNSELOR-AT-LAW T. R O'Connolly. Ogden. Utah. Legal .advlco by mail. Writo me tho facts. I a. iiuiiu mt jo . ' CARPET CLEANING 1 l TC. Yan Knmnon for upholstering, car- pota cleaned, altered and laid. Remaking of mattresses. Phono 2752-J. I Expert carpet cleaning, mattrcua reno-Ivatlng. reno-Ivatlng. upholstering, and springs re-I re-I stretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co., Feather renovating Phono 2536-W. CHIROPRACTOR Owen W. Halveraon, D. C. Roa. phono 10S6-W, 701-702 Eccles Building. CITY SCAVENGER McCarty & Co.. 272S Grant Ave. Phono 201S-W. 1-9-lmo CHIMNEY SWEEP ThciOgden Chimney Sweep Co. All work giinrantccd. Phone 3047. 43-2t CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Matsuba t Co.. leading Japanese restaurant res-taurant in Ogdcn. 273 21th St. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE E. A. Olflen & Son. Commission and produce, china. gla.s and stoneware. We have a big lino of chlnaware that wo are selling at prices that existed before the war. Phono 248. 2219 Washington Ave. CUSTOM SHIRT MAKERS Custom clothes and shirts: exclusive neckwear. Leroy Buchmlller, 2IS2 Washington Wash-ington Ave. Tolephono 1313. DENTISTS Tho Now Method Dentists nro special-I special-I ists In all branches of Dentistry. 24f9 (Washington Avcj 2208 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE Intermountaln Concrete Co. Twentieth and Lincoln Ave,, Ogden, Utah, Phones 2068 and 4S7. 2310 ENGRAVING Ogdcn Engraving Service Co . makers of line cuts ln ono or moro colors. 416 ' Twenty-fourth street. Phone 463. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES-SCO SUPPLIES-SCO us for bids on your wiring. We also have a complete lino of electrical supplies. sup-plies. The Lighthouse. 2454 Washington Ave, Phono 581. ELEVATORS We furnish and Install hlgh-grado electric elec-tric or hand elevators, any capacity from 50-lb. dumb waiter to 10 ton. Write Wm. Watrous. 219 Edison SL. Salt Lake City. We buy second hand ones. 2-2S-tf FIRE INSURANCE Charles Elsenberg. Phone 1S59-J. Caledonian Cal-edonian rnd Michigan Commercial Standard Stand-ard Inwrance. 1575 FEED STORES PINGREE FEED STORE Hay, grain and poultry supplies. Got our prices for fresh seeds before vou buy. Phone 799. 2G1C Washington Ave., Ogdcn. 3-5-2mo FUNERAL DIRECTOR i C. J. A. Llndqulst. funeral director and licensed emblamor. Prompt and modem service. 2C20 Washington Avo. Phone 520-W. HAY AND GRAIN Hay, grain and poultry feed. Bell Bros. 371 Twenty-third street. Phone 2S45f 2100 HIDES, WOOLS, FURS O. M. Runyan. 2269 Wall Ave., pays top prices. Phone 7S1-W. 152S HAY AND GRAIN O F. Mitchell whoIcsalo-reUill hay. grain and flour. Phono 176. 2166 Wall Ave. Ogden. Ulah. 3-5-3mo HIDES AND WOOL Utah Wool & Hide Co.. 2360 Wall Avo., Ogdcn, Utah. Hides, pelts, wool and furs. rhono 2SG. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Willard Kay. real estate and loans. 2474 Washington Ave. Phono 109. J u M r ainu niuta Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Washington Wash-ington Ave. Phone 8G1. Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington Ave. Phone 210. JAPANESE NOVELTIES Ladles' silk and serge and all kinds of drosses and waists, sweaters, men's silk shirts and ties the finest to be had. Out oi Uie high rent district Our prices are the lowest possible. U. ICarriya. the TCI-1 mona House. 301 and 305 21th St. Phone 1298. KEY FITTING Kev. lock, safe and cash register w.ork. I Ogdon Woldlng & Repair Co. Phone 903-.I. '2271 Washington Ave. 1-20-lf I LIFE INSURANCE Gcorgo D. Bennett, manager Metropolitan Metropoli-tan Life Insurance Co. Corporation and group insurance a specialty. 200 Col. Hudson Hud-son Bldg. Phone 124-W. MADAM CAPIAU GOVN SHOP Pleating, buttons, hemstitching: pinuot at 10c per yard; third floor W. H. Wrlg-ht & Sons. 9-5-liino MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS r.'.,. t.r CI WMlllunitt Mil.otn On . !!21i". ' Washington Ave. Sheet music department I and teachers' supplies; pianos, violin. I violin supplies, mandolins, guitars, bnnjos, records and phonographs. Phone 503. OGDEN STATE BANK I Commercial and savings department. 1 Reed Hotel Bldg. Phono 62. I POST CARD STUDIO ' Bill's Post Card Studio. Havo your plc-1 plc-1 ttiro fak'm on a card. We specialize on I Kodak printing. 160 25th St. 3-5-lnio PAPER CLEANERS KALSOMINE or paper cleaning. Phone 29-R-ll. 4007 PRINTING , When In need of printing como and see Dec Prlntery, 2128 Hudson avenue. Phono 792-M. 1591 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 10 to 4 p. m New Poery Bldg.. Hudson Avo. Rc. Phono 640. Office phono 1900-W. REAL ESTATE DEALERS Wo buv, sell and exchange farms, ranches real oatato, etc. Deeds executed. Vbfltracts and titles exnmlncd. Mortgagosi and real estate contracts carefully drawn ln our legal department. Fire and llfo Insurance; In-surance; loans. Smith & Flinders, rooms 15, 1G, 17, over Commercial Natl. Bank. RADIATORS REPAIRED Factory equipment for repairing -wrecked, bont, leaky or twisted radiators. Ogden Og-den Auto Radiator Co.. 2329 Hudson Ave. 2C83 REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Willard Kay, real estate and loans. 2474 Washington Ave. Phone 409. 1874 SCAVENGER . . , Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspools and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co. Phono 822. 234S Hudson Avo. 9733 SANITARY WORK Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds of rubbish rub-bish hauled. Phono 620. STENOGRAPHY Good public stenographer. Federal l.and Co., 416 Twonty-fourth. 3642 SPORTING GOODS Edison phonographs, bicycles and supplies; sup-plies; athlotlc goods . Proudflt Sporting Goods Co.. 351 24th St. SECOND HAND STOVES Wo tuke your old range as first payment pay-ment on any now rango or will buy your old range outright. Home Furnlturo Co. TAILORS Suits made to order. Cleaning and pressing. A G. Bolander, 2177 Lincoln Ave, Ogden. Utah 3-5-3mo TAXI SERVICE Taxi eoflco Phone -84 for taxi. .Closed :ara only. 2743 Information Bureau Continued JH TENTS AND AWNINGS H Ogdcn Tent fc Awning Co. Manure- H turcrs of high grade atoro, offlco Vd ' H resident awnings. Waterproof covers. ', H bags, etc Anything In canvas. 2241. H AVaihlngton Avo Phone 2CS. 1324 H TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bnp repairing, round cor ner from Standard. Gnllachcr'a, 372 nudp UPHOLSTERING H U. J. Hnmplon Co., upliolstcrln: B mattroMios mado over: foathor rcnovat, H Ing: rarpct cleaning and laying. Phone ' IH 25SC-W. Five Points. 9-13-tmcr H VACUUM CLEANERS H Rent Oblo Yaruum Ckaners, rcvolvlnic H brush. Call Ford Barlow, phone 26I3-J. .. H VETERINARIAN H Dr. Bundy. Yotcrlnarian. Phono X2X H WINDOWS CLEANED. H Expert -window nnd wnfl paper cleaning H nnnhcre. American Window Cleaning. ? H Phono 563. 2370 Washington Avo. 1, H WALL PAPER CLEANING H I I am tho only Lowo In tho wall paper1 1 "cleaning buainaso In Ocdon and dolnR', IH business under tho name of Lowe b H I Grocnwoll, nnd none other S. L. lowc... , A H tho veteran of tho game. Phono 333S. WH lowe & Evans, cleaners of tinted walfa" and paper. Phono 11S0-J. 3-25-lw - H Paper cleaning nnd kalsomlnlng: good H work, reasonable prices. 140 33rd St;.. H Phono 3220-R. 3-24-lnp.; H lx)we &. Grermwcll. tho veterans of tho mmo. IMinno 3-4-tC llH |