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Show '"THREE WEEKS" i SECRET TOLD er MR liy EARLE C. REEVIiS. International News Jj;fv!cc StnTf Corrcspondcn:. London, April 3. Elinor Glyn has answered the question: 'Wny 1 wrot 'Three Weeks.' ' In the Cimnd Mngsxlne she deftuds tho morality of her works and plains that she wrote "Three Ween." for tho arousing of the Englli.ran. because, generally, the Englishman Is Incapable of a great, and overpowtr-irrg overpowtr-irrg passion. . "The churning of souls in the agonies of tho four awful years mual hav awakened the minds of young men of the present day so that tneie must not be such numbers of unthi. iking ik-ing ones now. But thirteen years ago Paul was the type of most young, clean Englishmen. 1 often used .o wonder what such beings could become be-come if awakened by a 'rot love, and Inspired by a woman of mind and temperament. ' "In Latin countries- there have ocen countless cases of supremo passionate loves, which have mado history but In England this Is very rare. 1 w.is going to say I could remember not a single case. I . used to wonder If it was because Englishmen were naturally natu-rally cold, or because English women were not capable of Inspiring uioso great passions. "And finally (he vision of 'Throe Weeks' came to me suddenlj in ll.o autumn of 1006, and I retired to ino pavilion of my garden where 1 useu to write In those days and focgaN. "It seemed as though some spirit from beyond was guiding me 1 wrote breathlessly for hours and hours on end." She then turns to the popular atti-ludo atti-ludo toward her works, and speaking of the Slav heroine of "Three Wccm;, ' writes: "The reason she . .has been con demned Is because in England and ! America we -Jiave' tried always to eliminate the red out of the specti u..-.. Passion and anything to do with tnc physical must always bo ignored ai.J 'taboo.' Our Avholc attitude In thtso countries is an unconscious unbelief of God's scheme of things a laclt disapproval of his plan to keep uo j earth populated. J "It docs not seem to havo strucK I us that It would be more effective and sensible to try and enoblo physical1 emotion, and fall in with God's meun-ing meun-ing to- the highest. "Our whole attitude is an Implied reproach one plight almost say to the good taste and sense of propriety of God." o |