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Show Tlugtuhting SALES ON Mil EXCH1GE ft Sells and Union Chief take Upward Up-ward Graded Tintic Standard Stand-ard Sells at $4.7712 Gcnornlly speaking the tradjng on the Salt Lake Slock & Mining Exchange Ex-change wan more active than it has been for some time with prices both u.p and down, the ones taking the upward up-ward grade were Sells and Union Chief, the former opening at IS cents and changing hands as high as 19V cents, it closing strong with this price bid for it, while the latter has showed considerable strength the last few days and today it changed hands a. 12 cents, It closing strong with th'is price bid for it. Tintic Standard opened open-ed at $4S0 but sold off to $4.77V3, it closing with the slocks offered at $4.-80 $4.-80 and with only $4 .75 bid. Alta Con changed hands at 9!A cents. Albion was active at ,11 cents, Big Hill changed hands from 12 to jlSVi cents, Empire Copper brought 32V cents. Keystone sold as low as !92 ccntSg Naildrivor brought 72 cents, (Emma bilver weakened a trifle, it (changing hands as low as 11 cents, South Hecla sold at $1.15. North Standard Stan-dard changed hands as high as 12 cents, and Tintic Central brought 3 ' cents. i (Quotations furnished over private I wire of J. A. Hoglc & Company, Eccles Building.) ' Slock - Did Ask ;Alla Con j .09V .10 J 'Albion .11', .12 j American Con j . 03 V1' .01 'Alia Tunnel j .09Vi .20U Big Hnl 2'.A .13j j Bullion .. ., r. .00 Black Metals .. M2'i .13 Columbus Rc.vall 66 .67 Crown Point . '...'....I .u5 .07 Colorado Com .-....' .05', OS Central Eureka ,011 .02 'Cardiff . 1.60 ! 1.G7& Dragon Con. ...V.V.. ' .l-ll '.IS Dai West. j 4.25 4.75 Eui Crown Point-" .' x. , .031 ,.032 (jast Tin. CoaL, .. .V. Q5?i '.07 " East Tin. Con .12 " .12' Lureka Mines .j .08 " Eureka Lily ..-.j -.19J,$ O1. iurcKa uuiiion .u .22 I Emma "Silver.,. . .11 .12 iLmpIre irincs . ..:.-.-... .08 I .11 iGold Chain . .05 J .10 LiaJid Central ...'.V.IjL' .40- .IS : How oil 1, . .07 I .OS jlrcn Blossom .. U .40 .50 j iron King '.33'2! .35 Judge Mining . ....... .4.45 5.10 -Kennebec ' -1 5 f -25 'Keystone ...... j .91 .92 Leonora .. 1 ' .Q25J .03 Lehi Tintic . . ; . .17- .lS' May Day ;. ..". .Q. ." .'.04'AJ .06 Miller Hill .. . .' ,- .01 "l .02 JJoscow M- ".5 i .09 Michigan Utah 03? .09 North Stan '.lllz .12''-. New Quincy o?Vi . 07 Upohongo .. . . ......4. .02 j .02U Ofiginal Bannack-. .., . . 001-1 .01 1'lUtUS .,.J " ..)( Prince- Con. G5 .68 Provo .05 I .06 Paloma ,oi Rico Argentine .. .T. .019i. . '. . . . . Rico Wellington 25 1 .34i Sells i9j,, .20 " Sil. King Coal'n 2.00 " 2.10 Sll. King Con 1.50 '1.57' Sioux Con 03J4I... South Heela 'l .15 !i 7'. South Standard- .26 .30 Silver Shield . .-. .49 1 .50 Tar Ba by .03 Tintic Central '.. .03', .04'" Tintic Standard ..T... '4.75 I 1.80 Utah Cons. . .o .02 : Uncle Sam - 02 I .O'"'. J West Toledo . . ...... ,07V. Walker 3-CO " 3.9o" Woodlawn oy Yankee .. ft ... . ".06 Zuma .29 32 " Beaver Copper .'OH. !o2 Em.pire Copper 30 " .35 iNaildriver .72 ,73 I Union Chief 12 .14- I ' OPENING SALES. All.. tntn.nt 1 illld 1.UII. J.UUU'17'a V"C. Albion 4000(5)lHc." Black Metals 100013c. Big Hill 1000)13c; lOOO'G'lSc. Columbus Re.all 100g)fic;"l0067c. East Tintic Coal. 1000(5'6'c. Iron King lOOSJc. " . " Empire Copper 2000(g'32Vc. Keystone 100 93c; 100ij)92c. ' Leonora 10003c. Emma Silver 3000lliAc. ' Prince Con. 60067c. Sails 1000j18c; 1000(&18c; 1000& 19c; SSOO'&lOiic. ' South Hecla 20$1.15. North Standard lOOOllc. Tintic Standard 45fj'S''$4,S0: 10 $4.90; 50$4.75. CLOSING SALES. ' ' Alta Con.. 3009ic, Albion 5000(g)ll c. Big Hill 50013c; 50012i4c. Keystone lOOtJ-OSc; 200&i92c; 300fr 94c. Lehi Tintic 1500lSc. - " Michigan-Utah 10008 c. Nail'drivcr 500()'72c; 500(f'72c. Opohongo 225'5)2c. ' I Plutus 1000'44c. 1 North Standard 1000lPc; 1500CT 12c. Emma Silver 1500(?Jj11c. Sells 1500Ci)l,9sc. " Silver Shield 400049Vc, Tintic Central 000)3 ic i Tintic Standard 500$1.S0; 100fi $4.82Vi; 400054.77. j Union Chief 2000'12c; oOOQ'll'ic. j INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. I Stock 1 Bid I Asjc 'lAmal. Sugar ? 14.001$ 14.50 Preferred j 104.50 105.50 I Con. V. agon , 120.001 122.00' Utah-Idaho Sugar .... s.00 S.251 Lion Coal .. 6.K00 75,00 1 Lion Bonds , ... 91. 00 Mutual Creamery ll!ooi Utah Construction 190.001 Firi Nat., Ogden 330.00 Plngree National bankj 275.00 Ellison Ranching 130.00 Security State Bank.. 155.00 160.00 z- C. M I 150.00 Goddard Packing g . 00 Utah Power & Light.. 91.00 94.00 SUGAR. NEW YORK, April 5. Raw sugar strong; centrifugal 14.79c; refined firm, unchanged to 1c higher; fine granulated 14,0016.00c. Sugar futures closed firm; sales one thousand tons. May 14 35c; July 14.-40c; 14.-40c; August 14.40c; Septomber 14.4oc. |