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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' STOCK-HOLDERS' MEET LNG OF THE LOGAX-WYOMING OIL COMPANY. Notice 13 hereby given, that a special spe-cial meeting of th stockholders of company at No. 314, Cot. Hudson building. In Ogden City. AArcber county, the Logan-Wyoming Oil compafly has been called by resolution of thcBoajrd of Directors of said company,, to be held at tho principal offlco of jald Stale of Utah, 'on Saturday, the 10th day of April. A. D. 192J. at the hour of Three o'clock P. M., for "tho following fol-lowing purposes, among others: 1. TS' consider anu act upon tho Joint agreement entered Into by the Boards of Directors of the 0deu-AYyomlng 0deu-AYyomlng Oil compmy and the Logan-AA'yomlng Logan-AA'yomlng Oil company, whereby tho Logan -"Wyoming Oil company Ja merged and consolidated with and into tho Ogden-AVyomlng Oil company com-pany upon the terms and conditions eetout at length In said agreement. 2. v To elect nine (9) Directors to act as tho Directors of the consolidated corporation until the next annual mietlng of tho stockholders. 3. To consider and act upon, any other matter in connection with or pertinent to said merger and consolidation, con-solidation, and iny other matter or matters which may properly ho brought before or considered at a special 'or general meeting of tilt stockholders of said company. By Order of the Board of Directors. DA AID JENSON. Secretary. |