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Show Exercise for Women MAKING IT DELIGHTFUL AND BENEFICIAL Eleanor Gilbert Cites the Example of a New York Club as an -Ideal Example By Eleanor Gilbert - E' VKRT woman wh6 works indoors in-doors admits alto needs exer- cUe. She wants (Xrrouc. She j agrees when a course of esert'ixe Is j suggested nnd sometimes nhc even acts on It oncft or tvrloe. For is tlicro a business woman -with enerpry 30 crippled that at least once ahc hasn't "stood by the window, win-dow, breathing: deeply" foe ten minutes In the morning? Or awayed fromthe hlpa? Or stretched arms acpordlrfsr to callathenic rule? 1 All these methods of exerclae are ; splendid if adheVe-d to. The only J objection to solo exVroUes of any kind is that they are aolo. There's no Impetus lo continuation. Tho first time you try them you are enthusiastic In resolve to continue Ieach day, for Ave. or ten minutes or half an. hour. And-sometlmes that's the end. The next day or he I one thereafter there's a xood re-1 re-1 son for not" excrclalnp. and that. J ends It. 'The only way for the business j ioman to take regular exercise r 1 to select the kind of exercise that I will be Interesting- enough to make I her want It. When you look on exercise as .1 necessary duty, It becomes be-comes a task. But when exercise Is assoclate'd with pleasure. y0u for- ' H get that you're getting iom sood 6r it! not a physical H specinc. but a social Joy to b H looked fbrward to. WH And that la why clubs for exer- ' cifce are about the best kind of In- ', H auranee to the business woman that j IH she will take exercise regularly. . She may Join the club with only a very mild. Intention lo take part in its physical exercise she wanta ' H much more the ple&aant aocial e- ' , , 1 H tacts-with women or men in th? H club. But gradually she begins to enjoy the exercise for Itself too 1 the outdoor tramps, the horseback H ridingcanoeing, skating, tennis or ll golfing- or other good outdoor H There's a club In New York de- , H voted entirely to the purpose orln- . 1 H terestlng bunlnes- and . professional- r H women In exercise. They have a ' ' ' H deltghtul clubhouse on til' 'ollt H skirts of lown. where mcmbew can , , spend week-ends, have al-home;, j teas or other social functions. In H addition, the club maintains a beau-,,' H tlful outdoor camp up in the hllla 1 t H whore business women may spend sjH delightful, informal vacations in y -f '1 the outdoors. H Bul most Important of its activl- H ties arc the regular walks nnd"-,' H drives and outdoor sports which H tlif club manages during the year round. Here's an example of on jH weeks varied activities: -- j IH Sunday. Horseback riding In lh j. H l forenoon. Afternoon. Ion;-hikes In - H I the woods studying birds, under the direction of a bird specialist. Brln-1 ' camp fire supper. iaiiiH Wednesday. Holler skatlnc and.,'. war relief work ai clubhouse. ( H Friday. Swimming at one of ihe ' i M ouldoor pools. Then there, Is work. . ,?v2 on the garden adjoining the clxib- ' "" "iH house. . canoe trips, tramps to the j J wooda and (o point of hlstoclc In--' ' Lerctit. frequently accompanied by rV f an authority who gives informal r talks, unci thevd, aro no end of oui-1". j' . , door (ilcnles and camp lire Hiippers- An intelligent board of dlreciora . S'iilli5 thes-i acllvitUH po that th - doti. Is I'eijL1 lovv- Bul !l's '"'orth i , 'WH a bltr prli'O to every business "viv0nY)iJi". "ft'ito -U-5 tndoor.s and" who ( i won't Oxorolse iintil interest druga J . her lo IFH -.. The Bitter Oranoc.. - H Tho oitle- orange tree war. o.Hl-jj ? "f ,,nully -Intro tin cod 10 ihej siiorej of -; . jH - 'no .Moduerninean by ti'a.veUe;'t ' jH fsoiti Ind.a ani ijlilnh. Most of ttt 'toV SpUjh and .Sicilian crop goes, l6:1 f' ' r.undoi to h.T iiud) :nto marmajatlej , . "' dinc very few people in the south ;" y. -A, ; .of liiupr .aec?ii) to unilerxtiind Lh . v ytJ Iiijpl art of citilipostng Ihls 'pre- 'S3ii' ' jjir i-')-Theri. alao vuSuirtflo -oiV cou'.it nod in tin- rind, hnoijn as cs .,F ;- ityi.- M fithCH de bUarade. to dlsiiusftiia.i' li.. X ..( ,-?ti' from t'r.at nf tho sweet-orange, es- j":S : ' " !, iOftui' do J'Ui tugTvJ. The distlllere ' ' , f-- extrivi It by prux.iu'; iho rind ford- IH lily againn a rta; sponge, which . JH abJ-ojttf th fontent." of the crpslicC ; ' . jM oll-Cf)l.s. T1tv wrlne out the spOns . t, under wuter and skim oh tlie float' " ' j k. Ivk o-i This- oil. after pnrlllcation " -w.paBBBBBa! Is u.iod nt a Jlav- 11 n agent In cura- riaT liH coa a.id fiMiifn liiLieip; it Is on ' H of the Ingredients of enu-de-CoIognt . . . , -- ' and olltcr perfumes, nnd a drop ol Vll j It on vugar In a tumblerful of hot. W. ibbbbbbbb! H wlei make the popular eau sucree-, ,. j H of the Parisians Like oil of lomon, JH It oaiTiot bo extracted by dlstllla':;-;- : 'fty lion i'- the ii.4ual way. ulncc a high - r lempt-rHturo injures It.s flavor. The frult-'jud? of the bitter orangv : TJ. ' al.-o give an efjfential oil knownfatf ' "-'Xt. sroncr de p'-lit gram: and from the -while' flowers Ih extracted a e- - ' lihtful perfume called esseiicw, . r Nero'.'. That Is prepared chiefly at jH Nice, Cannes arid Granae, in ' jl I' 1 ibbbbbbbbb! south if France. All the flowers of f-1 a tine tree will yield only a s'lngU ounce of Xeroll oil. The peel alsc " yields An aromatic principle thai ' v the ancient Arab phyaiclanB cs-' ; teemed highly as a tonic: it. Is stilj r2 considered a useful stomachic. " ? $ Very Much at Sea. y A fair member of a yachtlnt. ' l party observed that the captain ' ' ' j wore an anxious look. "What's thi- tC I matter, captain?" she inquired ao. 'H llcltously. "The fact is," responded , J'j ' tho captain In a low voice, "our rudder's broken." "Oh. don't fref 5 .about tnat!" replied the 'yonnf woman consolingly. "As it's under ' the water no one will notice." . Difficult Nayigatioh- . . An old lady was on her ft rat C I ocean voyage. "What's that .down t -. -t I there?!' she asked the captain , ' , aH "That's the steerage, madam," h -i ' replied. "Really ?" sho exclauneo ' ' JA in surprlso. "And does it lake all those people lo make the. boat -go- j?2 straight:." : i I kaBBaaal tlkaaaaaaaaaal JH |