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Show 1 CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, April 5. Fresh advances in tho corn market today provoked general selling and brought about a sharp setback. At first, owing to traffic traf-fic delays duo tp the switchmen's strike and to widespread storm effects, ef-fects, there was a scarcity of offerings. offer-ings. On tho ensuing bulge, though, ; commission houses turned with de-icidcd de-icidcd vigor to the bear side. Opening ! prices, which ranged from to IVi ; i advance, with May $1,63 to 1,65 and I July ?.5S'4 to 1.59, were followed by in tumble all around to well below Saturday's Sat-urday's finish. I Oats, like corn, showed sudden fad-ing fad-ing away of strength. After opening (Spc off to Ogc advance, including !July at S2M: to S2'tc, tho market tin-jderwent tin-jderwent a material sag. ' Highel" quotations on hogs lifted provisions, pro-visions, . J Later the market rebounded owing I largely to a prevalent opinion that the I switchmen's strike would be settled tonight. The corn close was strong 114 to 3c net higher with May $1.65U to 1.653s and July $1.60 to 1.60-b. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 5 Close: Corn, May $1.61; July $1 ,575s ' (3.1.57 V; September $1.521 l,62s. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts 411; choice heavy steers $9.5010.25; good sleeia $8fa 'J; lair steers $Gfj'i'; choice feeder steers $7(ffS; choice cows and heifers $f.5043.50; fair to good ows and neil crs' $6.507.50; cutters $56; can-iiers can-iiers $UQ'l; choice feeder cows $56; la l bulls $5(56; bologna bulls $4.(U'5; eal calves loll. .. flogs Receipts 67S; choice fat hogs ihogs, 175 to 2iu lbs.. $13.25(&U1; bulk 'of sales $ io. 50)13. 75; fecuers $luli' jll.au.' ( i Slioep-rRecGipis 622; choice lambs '$Hi3l.-.. v.-etliers ?9Ca'll; tat ewra $7 ! jj. v itcder lambs $1(5'J5. j Arrivals Opden Packing company, Omaha, Nob., J cars hogs; North and Clark, BlHckfoot, Idaho, 1 car hogs; L. 1 Walker. -Delta, Utah, 1 car hogs; Allco M Uoohcr. Uiland. California. 1 cai Ihogs: Grilfiih UiotJiers, " Smllhfield. lUtah, 1 car, cattle; McFarland and i Son, Elslnore, Utah. 3 cars cattle' and j I uv-'.' hog3: Vhurnley Land and L've-j L've-j stock-Co.t Valmy, Nev., 6 care sheep; !Lhri5 Miller. Oasio, L'lah, 3 cars cat-Jl.c; cat-Jl.c; villiam Hcndrrson, Lewisltn. LiRh,. 1 car caak-; W. S. villianv, GuJin:son, Clan, l car cattle. i CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. 1 t CHICAGO, April 5. , ! y Open Kigh Low Close Corn ! May $J.633i' l.CSTS 1.601 1.65U I .l:.iy J .5S J,i 1.601 1.55 1.60 j fccp;. -U5I. L56vi 1.51 i oats-- ' ' . Miiy; r., . .ajUo '.asvi - .ss .yii 1 July' " .s .S'S v -SI .S3i .May' . . t-37,a0. - 37.3i 37.35 Juiy 3.'.SQ ' 37.70 . 37.50 . 37.57, I Lartr1 . ' 1 ; May '."20.75 300 20.37 20.03 ;July 21.55 21.G0 21.1p 21.12 Ribs i May- 1S.77- 19.00 . 1S.77 J9:00 'July 19.50 J9.5D V).30 -J9.4:7 . CAShPSALES.' . ' , j . CHICAGO, April 5. Wheat No. 3 i haul $2.63; No. 3 northern-$2.60. I Corn N'o. 2 'mixed $1.65; No.' 2 yel-tlow yel-tlow $1.69 -til. 70. Oats No. 2 white $1.00(511-01. i ' Ryu i'o. 2 $1.8S'i I Sariey $1.42(31.88. ' ' -1 " ! Tji))oliy seed -$?. 0012. 00. Clo;er.secd $45.0055.00.". . Pork nominal. UzrA $20.05. Ribs ? IS. 00 1.00. MONEY EXCHANGE. , NEW YORK, April 5. Mercantile jpper. 615)6 per cc"nt. Exchange strong; sterling 60' day ! bills $-1.00; commercial 60 day bills on 'banks $4.00; commercial 60 day bills i$3.99Vjr demand $4'. 04; cables $!.-I $!.-I 04' . . francs: Demand 14.47; cables ; 14.45. Belgian francs: Demand 13.64; cables ca-bles 13.62. Guilders: Demand .38; cables .38!&. ijire: uemancl 2U.47; cables 20. 4n. Marks: Demand 1.50; cables 1.32.) Goveriimcnl and railroad bonds ir-j regular. j Time loans strong; 60 days, 90 days and six months 8 percent. Call money easy; high 7 per cent; low 6 per cent; ruling rate 6 per cent; closing bid 6- per cent; offeied at 7 .per cent; last loan 6 per cent; bank acceptances 6 per cent. I . j CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, April 5. Hogs Receipts ; , 4000; market mostly 50 to 75c higher: I buik $15. 75(16.5: heavy $15.25(Tj) 10.40: medium $16.0011)16.75; lights i?15.50(T)lG.75; pigs $14.00g)15.75. i Cattle Receipts 3000; market unsettled; un-settled; choice heavy steers ?14.00(& J15.50: medium $11.75iQ)14.00; coni-:n:on coni-:n:on $10 . 25 (511 . 75; choice lights $12.-T'514,75; $12.-T'514,75; common $10.0012.75; i butcher heifers $8.0014.00; cows ?8.00gil2.50; canncrs $5.008.00, calves $16. 00)17.50; feeders $9.007) 16.00; alockers $6.755)11.25. Sheep Receipts 500; market nominal: nomi-nal: lambs $11 .7537)20.50; culls $14.-1 $14.-1 50(5)17. 50; choice ewes $11 .0015.00; ! culls ;6.00Ji 10.75. ' KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. ' I KANSAS OITY, Mo., April 5. Hogs I 'Receipts 8000; market 15 to 35c1 highpr; bulk $14 .5015.70: heavies $14.5015.00: mediums $14 . '75)15.-1 '75)15.-1 50; lights $15.5016.00; pigs $12.00 !15.75. j Caitle Receipts 7000; market i steady to fifty eenlr. higher; choice heavy steers $13.2oi3)14.o0, medium $11.5013.25; common $10.00(6'11.-40, $10.00(6'11.-40, choice lights $11.9013.60; common com-mon $9.0011.90; butcher licifers $7.-i25(g13.25; $7.-i25(g13.25; cows $6.90)12.00; can-(ners can-(ners $4.506.90; calves $14.5016. 50; feeders $S.60i12.65; stockers $6.-75)11.50. $6.-75)11.50. Sheep Receipts 10.000; market (steady; lambs $17.50(5)20.50; culls j$14.0017.25; yearling wethers $15,-j $15,-j 50(5 17.75; ewes $12.001475; culls I $5.50ji'11 .75; breeding ewes $9.005) 16.50; feeder lambs $14 .2517.90. POTATOES. CHICAGO, April 5. Potatoes strong; receipts 37 cars; northern round white sacked $6.256.35; Idaho russets $7". 25 ft 7.50. BAR SILVER. , NEW YORK, April 5. Bar ullver $126. Mexican dollars 96c. |