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Show 'If PARTY VENTURE IT E DECIDED Chicago, April 5or-Vhcthcr the Prohibition party will nominate a candidate for the presidency and uko an nctlvc part In the coming presiJcn-tlal presiJcn-tlal campaign depends upon the attitude atti-tude of the major parties toward til 3 strict enforcement of prohibition, says Virgil G. Hinshaw of this cltj. chairman chair-man of the party. There has been considerable speculation specu-lation among political observors as to whether the Prohibition party would or would not continue lis political activity ac-tivity now that prohibition has oo-comc oo-comc a constitutional amendment. Questions have bocn asked whether the Prohibition party lenders vMu not feel that tho party's object hau been attained and the time' at banc, when prohibitionists might return oi become affiliated with one' or the other of the major parties. Chairman Hinshaw believes the battle is not over; that the fight for enforcement of prohibition Is stiil to be won. ' "Our organization," he dccaici "will continue as long as the alcoholic serpent continues to wiggle its tail. Concerning the party's attitude in tho presidential campaign, Mr. Hindhaw said Its policies to be enunciated in ua national convention at Lincoln, Ncbv July id. would dopend entirely upon the action taken at the conventions o. I he major parties. "If the major parties fall to come out unequivocally for strict entombment entomb-ment of existing dry laws ve will cc--talnly r.un a prohibition candidate foi president," said 31rs. Hinshaw. "Of course, It Is up to the convention conven-tion whether we will or will not iitfn one anyway. But If the major pai-tlcs pai-tlcs fail to enforce not only the eighteenth eight-eenth amendment, but existing prohibition pro-hibition laws as well, I believe tncio will be breakups that will bring i.iunj of their voters and their big me.i to our side." As to the party's probable action concerning lesser candidates, it is oalct that It "uill'seok the election of representatives rep-resentatives in . congress, govcrnoio, members of legislatures and owners who aro charged with the enforcement enforce-ment of the dry law." Ernest H. Chcrrlngton of Wcsler-vllle, Wcsler-vllle, Ohio, declared that tho Anti-Saloon Anti-Saloon league, of which he Is becre tary, will work to defeat candidates who arc avowedly opposed to prohibition pro-hibition enforcement. o |