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Show uu MISSISSIPPI ABOUT TO OVERFLOW BANKS i MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 5 Weather bureau reports today indicated thatj the crest of the Mississippi river flood would reach Memphis belore nightfall with the stage within the forty-one foot maximum prediction. I Thus far damage along the Mississippi Missis-sippi has been confined to the flooding flood-ing of the unprotected lowlands. All lovees in this district are reported in good shape and in the opinion of Major Ma-jor William M. Gardner, In charge of the United States engineer's office hero, capable of withstanding a much groater pressure than would result from tho present rise. I OMAHA, Neb., April 5. Forty" families fami-lies in an area comprising about two square miles In North Omaha are marooned, ma-rooned, today by the flooded Missouri river. The river is stationary. |