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Show NOTICE TO VATER USERS State Engineer's Office. Salt Lake City, Utah. March 25. 1920. Notice Is heieby given that Ihc Davis & Weber Counties Canal company, with principal office at Ogden, Utah, has made application tn accordance with tho le-qulremenls le-qulremenls of Section S. Chapter 67. Session Ses-sion Laws of Utah. 1919. to change the placo of use of fifteen thousand (15.000) acre-feet of water stored in a reservoir in East Canyon Creek. In Morgan County, and heretofore used to irrigate 15.0U0 acres of land embraced In the southern part of Township G North. Range 2 West, the major part of Township S North. Range 2 Weal. Township 1 North. Range I West, and Township I North. Range 2 AVest, and Sections I. 5. G. and 9. Township Town-ship 3 North. Range 1 AVest. Said company com-pany now desire? to use the water as a supplementary supply to Irrigate 19,200 acres of land embraced In Sections 30 and 31. T. S N. 11. 1 AV.r'Secllons 23. 2G. 31, 35. and 36. T. 6 N.. R. 2 AV. . Sections 6. IS. 19. 20. 2S. 29, 34. 35. and 36, T. 5 N.. R. 1 AV.: Sections 1 to 3; 9. 16. 10. lo 36 Inclusive.. T. 5 N.. R. 2 AV.; Sections 6 to 0. 15 to 23. 26 to 35. inclusive. T. 1 N.. R. 1 AV. : Sections 1 to 6. S lo 17. 20 to 20; 31 to 36, inclusive. T. N.. R 2 AV.; Sections Sec-tions 1 to 6. S to 11. Inclusive. T. 3 N R. 1 AV.. Section 1. T. 3 N.. R. 2 AV. Tlds application Is designated in the State Engineer's En-gineer's office as No. a527. All protests against the granting of said application stating tho reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit In duplicate-accompanied duplicate-accompanied with a fee of 52.50. and filed in thl.T office within thirty (30) days after the completion of tho publication of this notice. G. F. McGONAGLE, Slate Engineer Date of first publication March 2D, 1020. Date of completion of publication April 36. 1920. |