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Show "FLAPPERS" REALLY "FLAP" IN BOSTON (International News Service) Boston, April 5. Miss Boston Is "flapping" these cold spring days. All It takes Is as pair of overanocb to make a perfectly up-to-date little "flapper." Sub-dobs and other debs really are not correctly garbed this season unless un-less they don tho goloshes they once scorned. But to be ultra stylish one must unbuckle and unbutton the frlghtsome things for the promenaue. 'Twas tho Harvard boys who started start-ed it. Tho girls followed. Tho first unbuckled arctic appeared about tho ankles of a Harvard lad from the Gold Coast. Other Harvard students wondered. It must be tho style. Besides, Be-sides, It saves time in the rush fior.i classes. So It became quite tho twins at Harvard to leave the goloshes ui.-buckled. ui.-buckled. Radcllffe girls near the I Ian aid yard observed their brother stuoopis, "If them, why not we7" was tho query. And tho answer was: 'Certainly." 'Cer-tainly." Then the feminine contm gent of academic Cambridge went a-flapping. Then Wellesley girls followed fol-lowed suit. Finally, flapping over- J shoes became an intercollegiate fad But the colleges couldn't keep the vogue for all their own. The out sidcrs took it up, until now all Boston is flapping. Young women who once took pride in the trimness of slim ankles have fallen to flapping. The unfurled overshoe over-shoe by force of ugliness has conquered con-quered their vanity, as tho pantalette did their grandmothers. o |