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Show PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. W H In the District Court of tlio United States IH for the District of Utah. BBBJ No. 5576 In Bankruotcy. IBBBJ In the Matter of Hcbcr R. Gibbs, Bunk- 1 IH BBH To the UonornOte Tillman D. .Tolinson.rt BVBB Judge of tho District Court of tho Unit- BBBJ cd States for the District of Utah: BBBJ Ilebor It. Gibbs, of Ogdcn, in tho Coun- BBBfl ty of Weber, and" State of Utnh, ln sntd JH dhjtrlcl. respectfully represents that on VTBBBl the 21th day of May, last pust. ho Aajs IBBS duly ud Judged ItHukrupl under the acts of BBBJ cougi'ens relating to bankruptcy: that, ho BBBJ has duly surrendered all his property and BBBJ i rights of properly, and has fully com- BBBJ plied with all the rcmilremcnis ot safd BBBfl acts and of the orders of tho court touch"' lnp his bankruptcy, BBBJ Wherefore he prays that he may ho do- HVBfl I creed by the court lo have a full discharge'"' - BBBJ ! from nil debts provable against his eft-"' BBfl ' talc under said bankrupt nets, excopti BBBfl such debts arc excepted by ldw from, BBBJ such discharge. BBBJ Dated this 31st day of March, A. D I BBBJ Filed petition for dischnrge, April 1. ! BBBJ 1920. John AV. Christy. Clerk. f. BVBJ ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. BBJ DISTRICT OF UTAH. , BBJ On tills 3rd day or April, A. D 1920, BBH on reading Iho foregoing petition it is or-' 1 fBBJ dercd by the court, that a hearing be had BBB upon the snmu on the 25th day of May, BBB A. D. 1920. before said court at Salt Luke BBB City, in fa Id district, at ton o'clock In BBB the forenoon: and that notice thereof bo.' BBB published In Ogden Examiner, a newi.-,. BBB paper printed ln said district, and BBJ that all known creditors nnd oth4h BBJ persons in Interest may appear a the 6o4dh' BBfl tlmo nnd place and show cause. If any BBfl they have, why the prayer of the said po- BVBJ titloner should not be granted, BBH And It Is further ordered by tho court. BBB that the clerk shall send by mall to aj,L., BBB known creditors copies of said petition BBH nnd this order, addressed to them at their BBB places of residence as stated -s- . BBB Witness the honorablo Tillman P,,, BBB Johnson. Judgo of the said District Court. and tho seal thereof, at Salt Iako CItyJ" BBB in said district, on the 3rd day of April, BB A" Attost0, JOHN W. CHRISTY. Clcrk. fH (Seal of Court) BBB |