Show SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS ONE IS ESTABLISHED AT FORT DOUGLAS Will Bo Open to Officers of the National Na-tional Guard and Others as Well as to Army Officers Under the requirements of a recent or der of tIle AVar department JIaJ Young tho commanding officer at Fort Douglas has Issued an order establishing at tho post an officers school for elementary Instruction In-struction In theory and practice Systematic Syste-matic recitations will bo required from First and Second Lieutenants and Cap tains of the lino of less than ton rears service except graduates of the Infantry apd cavalry school or the artillery school will bo required to qualify In the course Tim school begins with the new year and will run through March recitations bo Ing held on Mondays and Thurrdaya from 11 to 12 oclock The school will bo open for Instruction to all officers of the Isa Llonal Guard to former officers of volun teers < and to graduates of military schools nfl and colleges which have had army offi cern as Instructors und these civilians with some military education and expcil once will thus have a splendid opportu nity it0i furlllor perfect their military knowhxlgo under the Instruction of ac complished and experienced officers of the regular army Copt C D Shanks will be the instructor In drill regulations and manual 01 guard duty for Infantry In small arms firing regulations and In troois In campaign mllUnry and Interna tIonal iaw 9aptl Adelborl Cronkhltc In drill regulations and manual of guard duty for artillery and MaJ J M CalUY In hlppology for field artlllerv |